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He had made up his mind that nothing should make him laugh, but at last we had him. Beware of pride, my friends. "Then we went to the Aquarium. My wig! I never saw anything so extraordinary. It ought to be called the Aquaria, for there are dozens of them. They are like large rooms full of water, and you go and look in at the fish through the windows.

His hands looked shrivelled and soaked, and Grace and the other young girls afterward expressed sincere pity for him, saying they thought his life must be a hard one. On leaving the diving exhibit they went to the Fisheries Building, which they found very beautiful. In its east pavilion was a double row of grottoed and illuminated aquaria containing the strangest inhabitants of the deep.

These false gills also act as a rudder to aid the insect in swimming. It is interesting to watch the Dragon flies through their transformations, as they can easily be kept in aquaria.

There were two, and sometimes three aquaria in the room, tanks of sea-water, with glass sides, inside which all sorts of creatures crawled and swam; these were sources of endless pleasure to me, and at this time began to be laid upon me the occasional task of watching and afterwards reporting the habits of animals.

Here and elsewhere in the museum are placed appropriate quotations from poets and prose writers. In almost every room there are attractive little aquaria or vivaria containing living animals and plants. There is always a pleasure in watching the gold fish, or the salamanders, chameleons, mud-puppies, alligators, horned toads, tree toads, and snails.