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Met Lord Rosslyn, who told me he and Lord Bathurst met every committee day Lord Londonderry and Lord Durham on the Coal Committee. Sometimes they could not get a fifth, and then they adjourned joyfully. Both Lord Londonderry and Lord Durham continued most wrong-headed upon the question. May 2. Rode at once to Apsley House. The Duke was gone out, having left word he should be back soon if I came.

The very day I had my pen in my hand to write to her and was called away to write some other letter, much to my annoyance; much to my delight a few hours afterwards came a little pencil note, begging me to come to Apsley House if I wished to please an early friend who could never forget the kindness she had received at Edgeworthstown.

Altogether, the improvement is equally honourable to the genius of the architect, and the taste of the illustrious proprietor of the mansion; for no foreigner can gainsay that Apsley House has the befitting splendour of a ducal, nay even of a royal palace.

During these sittings the following letters were read also: One from Richard How, of Apsley, offering his services to the committee. Another from the Reverend Christopher Wyvill, of Burton Hall, in Yorkshire, to the same effect.

Since the erection of a building near by for this latter purpose, it has housed the museum of the Site and Relic Society, and contains much of interest to the student of early Germantown. Another house in the Colonial spirit erected shortly after the close of the Revolution is Loudoun, at Germantown Avenue and Apsley Street, Germantown, its grounds embracing the summit of Neglee's Hill.

I looked upon England from the box of a stage-coach, upon France from the coupe of a diligence, upon Italy from the cushion of a carrozza. The broken windows of Apsley House were still boarded up when I was in London. The asphalt pavement was not laid in Paris. The Obelisk of Luxor was lying in its great boat in the Seine, as I remember it.

If the composition as Crowe and Cavalcaselle assert does more or less resemble that of the famous Agony by Correggio now at Apsley House, nothing could differ more absolutely from the Parmese master's amiable virtuosity than the aged Titian's deep conviction.

"My dear Miss, Apsley House is a toll-gate lodge, compared to this mansion! I doubt if there be a dwelling in all England half as magnificent indeed, I cannot imagine any thing more brilliant and rich." Aristabulus was not a man to do things by halves, and it was a point of honour with him to know something of every thing.

Moreover, there was another reason why he was anxious to help Colonel Hutchinson he, Sir Allen, had recently married his sister. Sir Allen Apsley worked exceedingly hard to obtain his brother-in-law's pardon, and at last he had the joy of telling his sister that her husband's name was inserted in the Act of Oblivion, and his estates unconditionally freed to him.

It was, however, inserted in the fifth volume of the small edition, 4to., of 1812, and is here transposed to that part of the Voyages relating to the Canaries, etc. Originally printed for "W. Apsley, dwelling in. Paules Church-Yard, at the signe of the Tygers Head" in 1599, it is of the utmost rarity, and for that reason I have thought it right to give the original title-page.