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And when, in making the appointment for him and the impresario to call on her at one o'clock, he had asked her if that was too early for her habits, and she had replied, that she was always afoot much earlier than that, Bianca had felt persuaded that he would be at the door at an earlier hour. And her experience, or her instinct, with reference to such matters had not deceived her.

I got up last night to keep my appointment with the man who brought them. But you see now why I can't go to Wartrace with you." "I see that you are going to do something for which you will never, never be able to forgive yourself," she said gravely. "You are going to make use of those papers?" He sat down and stared gloomily at her. "Patricia, I have taken a solemn oath.

In 1839, however, a partial reward for his anxieties and toils came in the shape of an appointment to the Chair of Anatomy in Marischal College, Aberdeen, a situation which he had filled for three years, when he was recalled to the University of his native city to take the place of the late venerable and widely-venerated Professor Alison. The year which saw Dr.

"Well, no; not for long, mate; for I've got an appointment to keep in this house, on the fifth of April, with a brother of mine, who's homeward-bound from Barbadoes. You see, my brother and me are partners; whatever good luck one has he shares it with the other. We've been uncommon lucky lately." The captain slapped his hand upon one of his capacious pockets as he spoke.

Mountjoy would kindly excuse him, he had an appointment at the office that morning. "Get your hat, Vimpany. The fact is our friend here carries a case of consumption in his pocket; consumption of the purse, you understand. I am going to enrol him among the contributors to the newspaper. My angel, show our good friend the 'Continental Herald, and mind you keep him here till we get back.

They even spoke, in veiled terms, of that English lady of noble family, who had allowed herself to be inoculated with a horrid and contagious disease, which she wanted to communicate to Bonaparte, and how the latter had been miraculously saved by a sudden faintness during the fatal appointment.

Edward Harvey had faithfully kept within his heart, the memory of his mother's dying commands. Martin, his father, had nobly effaced the one Black Spot. One morning, about five years ago, I called by appointment on Mr.

I had formerly known something of the Chevalier Beauteville, at the castle of Montmorency; he had shown me marks of esteem; since his appointment to the embassy he had given me proofs of his not having entirely forgotten me, accompanied with an invitation to go and see him at Soleure.

Having thrown his handkerchief at the wife of a manufacturer of the name of Girot, she accepted it, and gave him an appointment at her house, at a time in the evening when her husband usually went to the play. His Eminence arrived in disguise, and was received with open arms.

"What proofs?" "He will enable me this evening to witness the interview. 'It may be, said he, 'that this appointment may have no guilt in it, notwithstanding appearances to the contrary. Judge for yourself, have courage, and your cruel indecision will be at an end." "And what did you answer?" "Nothing, my lord. My head wandered as it does now and I came to you for advice."