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Bassett, wasting not a minute in tears and lamentations, but pulling off her apron as she went in, with her mind in a sad jumble of bread, anxiety, turkey, sorrow, haste, and cider apple-sauce. A few words told the story, and the children left their work to help her get ready, mingling their grief for "Gran'ma" with regrets for the lost dinner. "I'm dreadful sorry, dears, but it can't be helped.

The little boys were wild to act William Tell, but Mrs. Peterkin was afraid of the arrows. Mrs. Peterkin proposed they should begin by eating the apple-sauce, then discussing it, first botanically, next historically; or perhaps first historically, beginning with Adam and Eve, and the first apple. Mrs. Peterkin feared the coffee would be getting cold, and the griddles were waiting.

There never was such a goose. Bob said he didn't believe there ever was such a goose cooked. Its tenderness and flavor, size and cheapness, were the themes of universal admiration. Eked out by apple-sauce and mashed potatoes, it was a sufficient dinner for the whole family; indeed, as Mrs.

"They du say Swan Day's gun off for good!" said Cely Temple, as she returned from the store, with a Dutch-oven in her hand, which she had purchased, "an' to th' East Injees!" "I want to know!" rejoined Mrs. Fox. "I know some'll be sorry!" continued Cely, while Dorcas diligently stirred a five-pail kettle of apple-sauce, that hung stewing over the low fire. Mrs.

"Aunt Jule ain't goin' to boss me," swaggered the youngest. "Ner me, neither!" "Ner me!" "I guess she wouldn't dast try it on me!" boasted the eldest. "You haven't asked us what we came for," opened up Allison as soon as everybody was served with chicken, mashed potato, succotash, stewed tomatoes, biscuits, pickles, and apple-sauce.

"I can't remember what flavorin' Ma puts in," she said, when she had got her bread well soaked for the stuffing. "Sage and onions and apple-sauce go with goose, but I can't feel sure of anything but pepper and salt for a turkey."

"May I ask what country this is, sir?" inquired Cap'n Bill. "Goodness me fruit-cake and apple-sauce! don't you know where you are?" asked the Bumpy Man, as he stopped stirring and looked at the speaker in surprise. "No," admitted Cap'n Bill. "We've just arrived." "Lost your way?" questioned the Bumpy Man. "Not exactly," said Cap'n Bill. "We didn't have any way to lose."

The stars shone out bright on the night of the party, which passed off to the delight of every one present. The fowls, and the pies, and the jam and apple-sauce, and a dish of tea the parson declared could not be excelled, were all discussed with great cheerfulness.

"Used to get a little bird, Harris and me, and roast it, and mother would give us a little apple-sauce in a clam-shell, and we would go off back the island and eat it. Harris was sent to school up to Perkins's; couldn't stay; run away, and borrowed a boat, and came home again; afraid of his father, and hid in the barn.

"They will make delicious apple-sauce, I'm sure," she said. After inquiring the price she told the young merchant he might carry in a peck. With a business-like flourish John Charles took a small note-book and pencil from his pocket and wrote something at the top of the leaf. "I'm not delivering now," he said as he returned the note-book to his pocket.