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And he sank into silent recollection of long moments among the open gas-jets, the cobwebs and the good smell of wine-soaked corks, which had been appetiser to so many feasts.

Ocock is, I regret to say, entirely without appetite again," he went on, as the door closed behind his wife. "What she eats is not enough to keep a sparrow going. You must prove your skill, doctor, and oblige us by prescribing a still more powerful tonic or appetiser. The last had no effect whatever."

I went out to look after the pony, and the first thing I saw by way of an appetiser was Biddy, with a face as long as my arm.

Donovan hardly took his eyes off her, and cut in with dry, daring remarks with a natural case. Tommy played a good second to Julie, and if she had had any fears they were not visible now. "What about an appetiser?" demanded Donovan. "Oh, rather! Mixed vermuth for me; but Tommy must have a very small one: she gets drunk on nothing. Give me a cigarette now, padre; I'm dying to smoke."

But the Bravi exchanged glances which meant that they were perplexed by the undeniable fact that they were beginning to like the musician, quite apart from their admiration for his genius. Before supper they consulted together in the privacy of Trombin's room over a thimbleful of Greek mastic, which they drank as an appetiser.

Eager expectation was on tip-toe, and even hunger was forgotten for a short time in the desire to see the foreigner; but Okiok had made up his mind to give them only one glimpse a sort of moral appetiser and reserve the full display of his lion until the following day. They were, however, to be very careful not to crowd upon him or question him, and not to speak at all in short, only to look!

And here I stripped my coat and fell into the proper attitude, which was just about all I knew of this barbarian art. "Why, sir, you seem to me to hang back a little," said I. "Come, I'll meet you; I'll give you an appetiser though hang me if I can understand the man that wants any enticement to hold up his hands." I drew a bank-note out of my fob and tossed it to the landlord.

Why have they not handed round the zakuski?" At this moment the door opened, and the "gawk" and the "thief" in question made their appearance with napkins and a tray the latter bearing six decanters of variously-coloured beverages. These they placed upon the table, and then ringed them about with glasses and platefuls of every conceivable kind of appetiser.

Or would you prefer a little appetiser beforehand? The tap-room is right on the way. You mustn't call it the bar. Everybody in that little graveyard down the road would turn over completely if you did. Hallowed tradition, you know." "I don't mind having a cocktail. Will you join me?" "As a matter of fact, I'm expected to," confessed Mr. Dillingford.

"Daddy!" chided Tressa. "He'll believe you." "Think so?" asked Torrance delightedly. "Then here goes: Say, I'll eat my last breakfast of bohunk livers, seasoned with bohunk brains if there are any and as an appetiser, bohunk tongues steeped in " "Heap big talk," broke in the Indian wearily. "And that," snorted Torrance, "just about puts the blinkers on that. Even strangers don't believe me.