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This decision would not of course, diminish the suspicion already excited; and among other physicians, who were consulted on the case, M. Lodin, professor of Medicine at Lynkoping, presented two memoirs, in which he stated it as his opinion, that a slow poison of a vegetable nature, and probably analogous to the aqua tofania, had been administered to the Prince, and that this had caused the apopletic fit of which he died.

"We can; we'll have unlimited credit." "But but " stuttered the bewildered Colonel, "I don't understand. Why should the trust " "Nonsense, Father what's the use of understanding. Our advantage is plain, and John Taylor guarantees the thing." "Who's John Taylor?" snorted the Colonel. "Why should we trust him?" "Well," said Harry slowly, "he wants to marry Helen " His father grew apopletic.

But the scamps tightened him up to such an extent in his jacket and belts that he was more dead than alive, and on the brink of an apopletic attack, by the time he got on board. We gave the royal family the best welcome at our command. My bandmaster, M. Paulus, entertained them with his noisiest tunes; but whenever the band stopped the king cried "Encore! encore!"

Morris had hardly reached the doorway, however, when a strident shout caused him to retrace his steps in a hurry. "What's the matter now?" he exclaimed; but Abe was incapable of articulate speech. Instead he held out the paper and made noises appropriate to an apopletic seizure, which Morris construed as a request to look at something of more than ordinary interest.