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On the other were depicted the wonders of the Apocalyptic vision, the beasts, the dragons, the scarlet woman seen by the seer of Patmos, Oriental types, figures, and mystic symbols, translated into staring Yankee realities, and exhibited like the beasts of a travelling menagerie.

Could he but write of him in his own style supposing him to have a style he would have been in danger of producing a sensible book, and nous autres would have lost one delight; but it is the perfection of comedy to see the apocalyptic trio Emerson stepping off grandly and gladly into the clouds Thoreau, his principal disciple, following with a good imitation of the gait, but with evident self-consciousness and finally Mr.

"Yes, the Seventh Vial," said Tozer, in a sepulchral voice. "Living in the Seventh Vial? I really don't know how one can live in a vial." "The Great Tribulation, you know." "Great Tribulation?" "Yes; for instance, now, don't you believe in the Apocalyptic Beast?" "I don't know," said Ethel, faintly. "Well, at any rate, you believe in his number you must." "His number?" "Yes." "What do you mean?"

His responsibilities indeed are tenfold increased; the gulf between truth and error is for ever yawning at his feet; the pains and penalties of this same error are advertised, in apocalyptic terminology, upon a thousand sign-posts; and the rash intruder soon begins to look back with infinite longing to the lost paradise of the artless.

For the sake of saying something to express my interest I said, "This furniture is fairly solid; but, of course, people do treat it much too carelessly." As I looked up doubtfully my eye caught his, and was fixed as his was fixed in an apocalyptic stare.

All this Clement saw, as in apocalyptic vision, stored up for the wife of Murray Bradshaw, if he read him rightly, as he felt sure he did, from the few times he had seen him. He would be rich by and by, very probably. He looked like one of those young men who are sharp, and hard enough to come to fortune.

By common conspiracy Jaffery and Susan upset the table arrangements, insisting that they should sit next each other. He helped the child to impossible viands, much to my wife's dismay, and told her apocalyptic stories of Bulgaria, somewhat to her puzzledom, but wholly to her delight. "Why mayn't I have some, mummy?"

Save for the lurid and apocalyptic locust-flight of the Huns, it is perhaps an exaggeration to talk, even in those darkest ages, of a deluge of the barbarians; at least when we are speaking of the old civilization as a whole.

Even the dirt in those miserable Nome streets contained "colors," or small particles of gold; and it is an incongruous thought that, of all the cities of the world, Nome City, as it is called, most nearly approaches the apocalyptic condition of having its streets paved with gold! We daily crossed the Snake River on "Gieger's Bridge" when going into the town for investigation and information.

He heard the soul of Johann Sebastian Bach roaring like the sea: hurricanes, winds howling, the clouds of life scudding, men and women drunk with joy, sorrow, fury, and the Christ, all meekness, the Prince of Peace, hovering above them, towns awakened by the cries of the watchmen, running with glad shouts, to meet the divine Bridegroom, whose footsteps shake the earth, the vast store of thoughts, passions, musical forms, heroic life, Shakespearean hallucinations, Savonarolaesque prophecies, pastoral, epic, apocalyptic visions, all contained in the stunted body of the little Thuringian cantor, with his double chin, and little shining eyes under the wrinkled lids and the raised eyebrows ... he could see him so clearly! somber, jovial, a little absurd, with his head stuffed full of allegories and symbols, Gothic and rococo, choleric, obstinate, serene, with a passion for life, and a great longing for death ... he saw him in his school, a genial pedant, surrounded by his pupils, dirty, coarse, vagabond, ragged, with hoarse voices, the ragamuffins with whom he squabbled, and sometimes fought like a navvy, one of whom once gave him a mighty thrashing ... he saw him with his family, surrounded by his twenty-one children, of whom thirteen died before him, and one was an idiot, and the rest were good musicians who gave little concerts.... Sickness, burial, bitter disputes, want, his genius misunderstood: and through and above it all, his music, his faith, deliverance and light, joy half seen, felt, desired, grasped, God, the breath of God kindling his bones, thrilling through his flesh, thundering from his lips.... O Force!