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If not, then let us proceed to set apairt and ordain Gilbert Peden and Allan Welsh." But before any progress could be made, Allan Welsh rose. John Bairdieson had been afraid of this. "The less that's said, the better," he said hastily, "an' it's gottin' near kirk-time. We maun get it a' by or then." "This only I have to say," said Allan Welsh, "I recognize the justice of my deposition.

"But I am your minister, and need nothing of the sort!" said Gilbert Peden. "I command you to let me pass!" "Command me nae commands! John Bairdieson kens better nor that. Ye are naither minister nor ruler; ye are but an elder, like mysel' equal among your equals; an' ye maun sit amang us this day and help to vote for a teachin' elder, first among his equals, to be set solemnly apairt."

I, John Bairdieson, am the only officer of the seenod left; therefore I stand atween the people and you this day, till ye hae gane intil the seenod hall, that we ca' on ordinary days the vestry, and there, takkin' till ye the elders that remain, ye be solemnly ordainit ower again and set apairt for the office o' the meenistry."

"Brownie" will be returnin' before daybreak, an' we hae to keep the twa o' them apairt. His evil spirit is awa wi' the puir laddie, and we mun prevent body an' spirit comin' thegither again.

Ye see, wie the murrder it's been impossible tae get ony work done; apairt fay that we've been busy wie the fruit and ether things." "I didn't notice any weeds," said Gimblet. "But I won't keep you any longer, now. Perhaps to-morrow afternoon I may see you in the garden, and if so I shall get you to tell me the name of that rose."

Jamie wad be the last, but brithers may love and yet be thinking far apairt. The best friend I hae in the warld is a sodger, but I'm thinking I hae lost the knack o' fechting. When you lose the taste you lose the knack." "I's fearing," said Thomas, "that he's lost the taste o' releegion!" "Eh," exclaimed Jenny Barrow, "but he's a bonny big man!

"But mind ye," said John Bairdieson, "this was dune hastily, and not of set purpose for ministers are but men even ministers of the Marrow kirk. Therefore shall we, as elders of the kirk, in full standing, set apairt two of our number as teaching elders, for the fulfilling of ordinances and the edification of them that believe. Have you anything to say?