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"You're are losing flesh, Gloriana," said I, noting her sunken cheeks and glittering eyes. "In a good cause," she replied fervently. "Anyways, ther ain't a happier woman than me in the state of Californy! Well, I'm most thro' with my sewing, an' I'd like ter show ye both what I've done, but " "We've have been waiting for this, Gloriana," said Ajax, tartly.

Brown, with a frankness which rather disconcerted and puzzled Crane, "but I don't mind you callin' me so. If you are anyways hungry, I haven't cleared away the dinner, and " "You are very kind," broke in Crane, eagerly; "I don't mind saying I am a little bit hungry." "All right, stranger.

Dis ain't my stoppin' place; t'other side is. But I'll be on de watch dere, and ef you holler for me, I'll come. I'll come anyways, 'cause I'll be sure to see you." "Quite so," said the duke, as he sauntered up that very road between the foot of the mountain and the bank of the river down which the festive crowd had come on Corona Haught's fatal wedding day.

It ain't that I mean to give offence by being anyways proud, said the old creature simply, 'but that I want to be of a piece like, and helpful of myself right through to my death. 'And to be sure, added the Secretary, as a comfort for her, 'Sloppy will be eagerly looking forward to his opportunity of being to you what you have been to him. 'Trust him for that, sir! said Betty, cheerfully.

When ten o'clock come an' it was time to open the door, the Rummage Sale was over, an' the Auxiliary hed bought the whole thing themselves. "We never thought folks might be anyways mad about it but I tell you, they was. They hed been seein' us through the glass, like they was caged in front o' bargain day.

Conservative old fellow, Jed Barcolm, anyways allus said he'd made enough raisin' cattle and didn't aim to do no prospectin' at his time o' life." "But you think there is a good possibility of there being gold on the ranch?" insisted Allen, and the girls held their breath. Dan Higgins gave him a shrewd look and spat once more.

The woman who could not lift her head a week ago scrambled down the ladder, and stood aghast amid the mess and tangle aft. "Be you anyways interested in Harve?" said Disko. "Well, ye-es." "He's a good boy, an' ketches right hold jest as he's bid. You've heard haow we found him? He was sufferin' from nervous prostration, I guess, 'r else his head had hit somethin', when we hauled him aboard.

"I'll do the best I can for you, duck," said Joanna, "you shall have your bit of dancing and anyways I've got a fine, big surprise for you when we're home." "What sort of a surprise?" "That's telling." Ellen, in spite of her dignity, was child enough to be intensely excited at the idea of a secret, and the rest of the drive was spent in baffled question and provoking answer.

"Now supposin', friends, as I'd a-fashioned the wondrous words o' the ditty we've just polished off; an' supposin' a friend o' mine, same as Uncle Issy might he, had a-dropped in, in passin', an' heard me read the same. 'Hullo! he'd 'a said, 'You've a-put the same words twice over. 'How's that? 'How's that? 'Well, says Uncle Issy, ''tis spoke so, anyways' "

"But you're boss here. You could make him put this borderman out of the way." "Wal, I ain't agoin' ter interfere. Anyways, Brandt, the Shawnee'll make short work of the scout when he gits him among the tribe. Injuns is Injuns. It's a great honor fer him to git Zane, an' he wants his own people to figger in the finish. Quite nat'r'l, I reckon."