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I never knowed anythin' about that, an' I will remark as I think there's many others as don't know it, neither, an' I may in confidence remark to you, Mrs. Lathrop, as that book leads me to think as the main trouble with the Philippines is as they are bein' run by folks as don't know anythin' about the place they're runnin' an' don't know nothin' about runnin' for anythin' but places.

Liker he'd ate all he could swally in the last place he got the chance of layin' his hands on anythin'." "Och, woman alive, but it's the fool you were to let him out of your sight," said Ody Rafferty's aunt. "If it had been me, I'd niver ha' took me eyes off him, for the look of him on'y goin' by made me flesh creep upon me bones." "'Deed was I," said Mrs. Kilfoyle, sorrowfully, "a fine fool.

It may not have been a flyin' saucer, but you can bet it wasn't anythin' common, or anythin' he'd seen before." "Score one," Scotty said triumphantly as they drove off. "One flying saucer doesn't make a Martian invasion," Rick reminded him. "Let's keep it up." By lunchtime they had interviewed a dozen people who claimed to have seen flying saucers.

"The more the merrier," replied Columbine. "Wal, I reckon I'll not ask anybody." "Why not, dad?" "No one can gamble on thet son of mine, even on his weddin'-day," replied Belllounds, gloomily. "Dad, What'd Jack do to-day?" "I'm not sayin' he did anythin'," answered the rancher. "Dad, you can gamble on me." "Wal, I should smile," he said, putting his big arm around her.

One would lie out under the trees at night and be towed down the river by day, and if we saw anythin' nice we'd shout out and tell 'em to stop." She rose and began piercing the bed again and again with a long golden pin, as she watched to see what effect her suggestion had upon Rachel. "We must make up a party," she went on. "Ten people could hire a launch. Now you'll come, and Mrs.

Howsome'er one way or the other we made a shift, till poor Felix went off in the grey of the mornin' wid ne'er a notion of anythin'. Sez he to her: 'You'll be seem' me steppin' in agin one of these days; and sez she: 'Ay will I as sure as I'll see the sun shinin'; so he consaited she was well enough contint but the two of them was thinkin' diff'rint things.

In reply to me, she said, "We are seven altogether, wid my husband an' myself. I have one lad was ill o' the yallow jaundice this many months, an' there is somethin' quare hangin' over that boy this day; I dunno whatever shall we do wid him. I was thinkin' this long time could I get a ricommind to see would the doctor give him anythin' to rise an appetite in him at all.

If we hev any chance left of findin anythin, it's thar. I'm ony sorry we didn't examine this here fust an foremost, before wanderin away off up thar, whar 'tain't at all likely that Solomon ever dreamed of goin. I hope the boys won't be long gettin off that thar boat." "Perhaps they can't get one." "O, yes, they can. I saw two or three down thar." They now walked on a little farther.

Who may describe the look with which she watched the Trapper as he tasted it, or the expression of relief which brightened her anxious face when he pronounced warmly in its favor? "It's a wonderful bit of cookin'," he said, addressing himself to Wild Bill, "and I sartinly doubt ef there be anythin' in the settlements to-day that can equal it.

Preferring to leave her in ignorance, he said lightly, "I hope it'll be all right," and, in order to change the subject, added, "I've not seen Miss Loo, and Jake wasn't in school this morning." "Oh, Mr. Bancroft, if anythin' has happened to Jake!" and Mrs. Conklin sank weakly into the nearest chair; "but thar ain't no swimmin' nor skatin' now.