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It was a place in the wood wiv grass to sit on and bushes all round, and they gave me dead flowers to play wiv. Howwid old dead flowers!" "Yes," said Mother. "What else?" "There was anuvver little girl there," went on Joan. "Not a wood-lady but a girl like me, what they'd tooked from somewhere. She was wearing a greeny sort of dress like they was, and they wanted me to put one on too.

"They're all like that to you, darling, because you don't belong to Elfland yet. But to me they are real." Bruno looked puzzled. "I'll try anuvver kind of fruits!" he said, and jumped down off the King's knee. "There's some lovely striped ones, just like a rainbow!" And off he ran.

That's the ticket, sir," he continued, with gathering emphasis as he noted the impression he was causing. "Lumme a trip-wire: it might break, or the gong mightn't ring, or the blighter mightn't 'ear it. Wiv china every step he took 'e'd smash anuvver pot. Drahn a rum jar 'e would. But a trip-wire!" He spat impartially and resumed his tune. "By Jove, that's a splendid idea!"

"Old riverzh bwoke wight in two there," said Toddie, "an' a piece of it's way up in the air, an' anuvver piece izh way down in big hole in the shtones. That'sh where I want to go widin'." "Listen, Toddy," said Mrs. Burton. "We like to take you riding with us at most times, but to-day we prefer to go alone. You and Budge will stay at home we shan't be gone more than two hours."

Martincole this afternoon? You know, the doctor who comes to the house behind us?" "See him go out abaht an hour ago, guv'nor wiv anuvver gent," said the lad eagerly, his bright eyes wavering between Viner's face and the hand which he had thrust in his pocket. He pointed to the distant entrance of the yard. "Went aht that way, they did." "Ah! And what was the other gentleman like?" asked Viner.

My daughters left me while I slept. 'Yes 'm, the Badger said: 'it's as you say. 'They should be better kept. Thus the poor parents talked the time away, And wept, and wept, and wept." Here Bruno broke off suddenly. "The Herrings' Song wants anuvver tune, Sylvie," he said. "And I ca'n't sing it not wizout oo plays it for me!"