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Actual retention of urine, that is, urinary secretion passed into the bladder, but retention in the latter viscus by inanition, stricture, or other obstruction, naturally cannot continue any great length of time without mechanically rupturing the vesical walls; but suppression of urine or absolute anuria may last an astonishingly extended period.

A parasitic fungus attacking wheat, barley, oats, and rye, which is reputed to have the power of causing contraction of unstriped muscular fibre, especially that of the uterus. Symptoms. Lassitude, headache, nausea, diarrhoea, anuria, convulsions, coma. Small quantities frequently repeated have in the past produced gangrene of the extremities, or anæsthesia of fingers and toes. Tests.

There was reported the case of an hysterical female who had convulsions and mania, alternating with anuria of a peculiar nature and lasting seven days. There was not a drop of urine passed during this time, but there were discharges through the mouth of alkaline waters with a strong ammoniacal odor.

Bryce records a case of anuria of seventeen days' standing. Butler speaks of an individual with a single kidney who suffered suppression of urine for thirteen days, caused by occlusion of the ureter by an inspissated thrombus. Dubuc observed a case of anuria which continued for seventeen days before the fatal issue. Fontaine reports a case of suppression of urine for twenty-five days.