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"After all, your own shack is better than a pearl palace in anny town, and it's gettin' hot besides." Bertha parted from the Mosses with keen sorrow. Joe had come to be like an elder brother to her a brother and a teacher, and, next to Ben Fordyce, was more often in her thought than any other human being.

Oh, Granny,” she sobbed, “Laura Lathrop says that half the children don’t like my shop and they’re going down to Main Street to buy things. What shall I do? What shall I do?” “There, there, acushla,” Granny said soothingly, taking the trembling little girl on to her lap. “Don’t worry about anny t’ing that wan says. ’Tis a foine little shop you have, as all the grown folks says.”

"Well, I shall be slishing and sloshing to you when I come home, Mrs. Twomey!" said Christian, who was skilled in converse with such as Mrs. Twomey; "but it will be in French. I suppose you talked German to your Boston doctor?" "H'th indeed! Little enough I said to him! I never had anny wish for thim docthors at all. Look at the little rakeen that's after gettin' the Dispinsary at Cunnock-a-Ceoil!

And ye may tell him, too, to start all hands to get those stores on deck in a hurry; our own lads will have enough to do in lookin' afther everybody, and seein' that none of the Frenchies thries to play anny tricks wid us."

Nichols of the dishes which that lady had packed away, and anxious to see if they were safe, she turned to 'Lena saying, "I guess we'll have time before dinner to unpack my trunks, for I want to know how the crockery stood the racket. Anny, you run down and tell your pa to fetch 'em up here, that's a good girl."

But here we are once more at our forest home; and now for a magnificent cup of coffee and a mandioca-cake." "Not to mintion," added Barney, "a juicy steak of Igu Anny, an' a tender chop o' Army Dillo."

"A life spint in nourishin' th' young, Hinnissy, while fine to read about, isn't anny kind iv a beauty restorer, an' I've got to tell ye that th' lady prob'bly looked diff'rent fr'm th' gazelle he use to whistle three times f'r whin he wint by on Number Iliven. It's no aisy thing to rock th' cradle with wan hand an' ondylate th' hair with another.

I can't never have any kin but you, and I might have had somebody beside Reuben, though it don't seem likely now; but he's got four sisters to take care of him, and he thinks and I think it's what I ought to do; so I'm goin' with you. So she come, Anny; and you see how lively she keeps, just because she don't want to dishearten you none.

'Be just divide the place up; give two-thirds of it away to the children of Joel's first two wives and keep one-third, which is yours by law in anny case. For why should it be that you should give iverythin' and get nothin'? He had the best of you-of your girlhood and your youth, sez you.

Thin if th' wurruk ain't good a wild-eyed man fr'm Paterson, Noo Jarsey, laves his monkey an' his hand organ an' takes a shot at ye. Thank th' Lord I'm not so big that anny man can get comfort fr'm pumpin' a Winchester at me fr'm th' top iv a house." "But if I was king ne'er an organ grinder'd get near enough me to take me life with a Hotchkiss gun.