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Blessom was greatly annoyed at this, and, as he was sauntering about the streets fancying himself at home, he saw a very large man, in a white, short coat, walking in front of him. "How fast you are walking!" said Blessom. "I have a long distance to go in order to get home this evening," replied the man. "Where are you going?" "To Vaage," answered the man, and walked on.

On the other hand she could not afford to show the least coldness to Del Ferice, lest he should suppose that she was annoyed at being disturbed in her conversation with Orsino. The situation was irritating to her, but she made the best of it and began to talk to Del Ferice about the speech he had made on the previous evening.

In the past we've been annoyed a little from time to time. But they thought us hardly worth bothering with. In the future we will have to fight." "I hope they will prosecute us," said Selma. "Then, we'll grow the faster." "Not if they do it intelligently," replied Victor. "An intelligent persecution if it's relentless enough always succeeds.

What annoyed me most was that the letter was written in patois, and was full of mistakes in spelling I who won every prize at the university! I began by giving my rascal a cuff that made him twist round and round. 'Aha! You take me for a thief, blackguard that you are! I said, and I gave him a hearty kick, you know where.

"I doubt not our friend the organist has been putting his delicate little hands upon it again," said Lady Adelheid laughing; but the Baroness was very much annoyed and said, "Oh, it really is a slice of bad luck! I am doomed, I see, never to have any pleasure here." I searched in the case of the instrument, and fortunately found some coils of strings, but no tuning-key anywhere.

I was less annoyed at the want of politeness in the gentlemen; for I am no longer young, and that accounts for every thing. When the women were wanting in kindliness, I had no right to expect consideration from the gentlemen. I tried to discover the reason of this treatment, and soon found that it lay in a national characteristic of these people their selfishness.

These by no means annoyed the young lady. Indeed, she quite forgot her godmother's orders to her, so that she heard the clock begin to strike twelve when she thought it could not be more than eleven. She then rose up and fled, as nimble as a deer. The Prince followed, but could not overtake her. She left behind one of her glass slippers, which the Prince took up most carefully.

The tall young constables and the plump fatherly sergeant annoyed old Jenks by searching the wood as though he had done nothing. It was a real search this time. Each of them took a part of the ground and went over it as though he were looking for a needle which had been lost, and no fewer than three of them trod every inch of the bottom of the Secret Pond.

They simply report the events of the day." "Exactly. They simply disseminate it." Banneker was annoyed at himself for flushing. "They disseminate news. We've got to have news, to carry on the world. Only a small fraction of it is well, malodorous. Would you destroy the whole system because of one flaw? You're not fair." "Fair? Of course I'm not. How should I be? No; I would not destroy the system.

He was enthusiastic, simple, seemingly incapable of concealing anything that passed through his mind, unreasonable and evidently very susceptible. On the whole, she thought she should like him, though his scornful manner in speaking of the squire had annoyed her. The interest she could feel in him, if she felt any at all, would be akin to that of the vicar in the boy.