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Sir Archibald, puzzled and annoyed, turned to Mr. Courtney with a frown. "He said half-past seven," said Mr. Courtney. "I'm delighted to see you now or at any time, but, as a matter of fact, it's only half-past five," said Sir Timothy. Sir Archibald looked at his watch. "It's surely my watch can't have gained two hours?" "It's half-past seven," said Mr. Courtney, firmly.

This remark, uttered aloud before the whole vestibule with a certain roughness, annoyed me greatly, and prevented me shall I confess it? from pitying this rich parvenu when I learned, in the course of the evening, what cruel thorns lay concealed in his bed of roses.

I consider such people the greatest demoralizers of the age, flaunting their ill-gotten wealth in the faces of the honest, and causing the young to think that if they only get money, no matter how, society will receive them all the same. I am annoyed beyond measure that we should seem to give them any countenance whatever. Moreover, it is necessary that I go to Woodville."

Yet she seemed so sort of friendless in one way, and was coming to America for the settlement of the business, so I thought we might as well have her here for a little while. I wonder if it will annoy you?" he asks quickly. "Oh, no!" she answers in a careless tone. "You are the only one who would be annoyed." "My epidermis has thickened since those days," he returns, with a laugh.

While he watched him the anger in Gay's face faded slowly into disgust. "Now I've stirred up a hornet's nest," he thought, annoyed by his impetuosity. "Who, I wonder, was the fellow, and what a fool what a tremendous fool I have been!" With his love of ease, of comfort, of popularity, the situation appeared to him to be almost intolerable.

This determination annoyed Christian considerably, since it threatened to ruin the plan so prudently laid out. "I am going to put our friend Gerfaut at this post," said he, whispering to the refractory hunter; "I shall be very much pleased if he has an opportunity to fire. What difference does one boar more or less make to an old hunter like you?"

At this grand moment we do not think of the hundreds of miles we have marched, or of the hundreds of hills that we have ascended and descended, or of the many forests we have traversed, or of the jungles and thickets that annoyed us, or of the fervid salt plains that blistered our feet, or of the hot suns that scorched us, nor of the dangers and difficulties, now happily surmounted!

You will remember, I do not doubt, that I did; that I lost my money too, and paid it. Yours ever, He understood it all immediately. The Stackpooles had been at Humblethwaite. But what business had the man to write letters to him with the object of getting him into trouble? He did not answer the note, but, nevertheless, it annoyed him much. And then there was another great vexation.

A narrow staircase, a narrow door, a succession of rooms with brick floors, all small and cold, and in the last an old maid with a false front and black thread mitts, reading a soiled copy of the 'Journal pour Tous, and apparently very much annoyed to be disturbed in her reading.

I asked, with a slight sneer. He bit his lip and looked annoyed. But he answered, quietly: "I see you must have your joke, conte; but remember that if you place the countess in the position of Marguerite, you, as the giver of the jewels, naturally play the part of Mephistopheles." "And you will be Faust, of course!" I said, gayly.