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The gentlemanly British animus of arrogant self-sufficiency will have been somewhat sobered, perhaps somewhat subdued.

Shannon, gave us an irresistible reproduction of a charge delivered by an Irish judge famous for shooting over the heads of juries, who sent twelve worthy citizens of Galway out of their minds by bidding them remember, in a case of larceny, that they could not find the prisoner guilty unless they were quite sure "as to the animus furandi and the asportavit." Saturday, Feb. 25.

"Democriti pecus edit agellos Cultaque, dum peregre est animus sine corpore velox."

No further mention of the Bright scheme was made for some time. In the brief period between 1892-1895, the animus against the House of Lords was kindled afresh. Several Liberal Bills were mutilated or lost, and the rejection of the second Home Rule Bill served to fan the flames into a dangerous blaze. The Bright plan was recalled by Lord Morley.

Declining the high office of provost of Trinity, Ussher was made bishop of Meath and was afterwards promoted to the primatial see. His fine intellect was unfortunately marred by narrow religious views, and in many ways he displayed his animus against those of his countrymen who did not see eye to eye with him in matters of faith and doctrine.

Ain't I?" The grave, even tones were dispassionate, without a trace of animus and serenely sure of justice. The faces around him cleared gradually and heads began to nod in comprehending consent. "Yes, I reckon you have," agreed Cowan, slowly, but the frown was not entirely gone. "Yes, I reckon mebby you have."

But they were as much alike as so many peas, out of their several shells, and the man who saw one inevitably remembered all. Setting aside then the theory of positive personal animus, what other reason could there be for the effort to fasten upon Duchemin suspicion of identity with the late Lone Wolf?

For Gray Wolf went down twice to sniff at the dead bodies, and each time without seeing she went when the mother beaver had come to the dead-line. The first fierce animus had worn itself from Kazan's blood, and he now watched the beavers closely. He had learned that they were not fighters. They were many to one and yet they ran from him like a lot of rabbits.

"Animus ad amplitudinem Mysteriorum pro modulo suo dilatetur, non Mysteria ad angustias animi constringantur." "Many literary critics seem to think that an hypothesis about obscure and remote questions of history can be refuted by a simple demand for the production of more evidence than in fact exists.

This is eminently satisfactory to me, who would wish no better fate than to be a humble lackey in that house." He had no sooner, however, spoken those words than Joe Petty's remarks about Public Opinion came back to him, and he added: "But are you really the general animus, or are you only the animus of Mayors, that is the question?" The personage seemed to follow this thought with difficulty.