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"I ain't seen it, an' I don't know nothing about it." Hopalong wiped his mouth with his sleeve. "Well, then, Tom or Art does, all right." "No, they don't, neither; I watched 'em leave an' they rode straight out of town, an' went the other way, same as they allus do." Dave was getting irritated. "Look here, you; are you joking or drunk, or both, or is that animule of yourn really missing?"

"You can have all the berries you can get," he taunted, shaking a warning finger in their faces, "but that bull stays right there in that field!" "All right, old Skinflint!" roared Peace, forgetting everything else in her furious passion, and shaking an emphatic finger back at him. "Just 'member that, will you? We'll get the berries in spite of your old animule!"

If I was goin' to describe the animule, I'd say it looked like well, it looked like blamed if I know what it looked like, snorting fire and brimstone out of his nostrils, and puffin' out black smoke all 'round, and pantin', and heavin', and swellin', and chawin' up red-hot coals like they was good.

Tracey Campbell, seeing the owner of the horse, leaped out of the buggy and said facetiously: "I just borrowed this animule of yours for a minute. He's some racer, I'll say." "I'll say to you, young man," said Daniel Holbrook, "that that isn't any way to treat a horse.