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Here, day by day, he beheld the "Last Judgment" of Orcagna, the enthroned figures in the Spanish Chapel, and the solemn blue Madonna, now in the Capella Rucellai, with its little figures of prophets on the frame that are already almost Michael Angelesque.

There is a sketch of the whole composition in the Albertina Gallery at Vienna, and the line engraving by Marc Antonio Raimondi of three principal figures with a foolish Italian rendering of a German engraved landscape in the background, utterly destroying what little Michael Angelesque dignity the engraver was able to get into the figures, with his poor knowledge of the nude.

He too engrafted on the calm and natural Venetian manner something of the Michael Angelesque sublimity, and sought to vary by dramatic movement the romantic motives of his school. In his work, more than in that of his contemporaries, Venetian art ceased to be decorative and idyllic. Veronese elevated pageantry to the height of serious art.

On the ceiling the brave Tiepolo has sprawled a vigorous illustration of the spiriting away of the house of the Virgin to Loreto, near Ancona. Next come a row of shops, and, at the corner, the Lido hotels' motor-launch office, and then several negligible decayed palaces. The first of any importance is the tall seventeenth-century incomplete Flangini with Michael Angelesque figures over the door.

Full Development and Decline of Painting Exhaustion of the old Motives Relation of Lionardo to his Pupils His Legacy to the Lombard School Bernardino Luini Gaudenzio Ferrari The Devotion of the Sacri Monti The School of Raphael Nothing left but Imitation Unwholesome Influences of Rome Giulio Romano Michael Angelesque Mannerists Misconception of Michael Angelo Correggio founds no School Parmigianino Macchinisti The Bolognese After-growth of Art in Florence Andrea del Sarto His Followers Pontormo Bronzino Revival of Painting in Siena Sodoma His Influence on Pacchia, Beccafumi, Peruzzi Garofalo and Dosso Dossi at Ferrari The Campi at Cremona Brescia and Bergamo The Decadence in the second half of the Sixteenth Century The Counter-Reformation Extinction of the Renaissance Impulse.

The admiral points down with Michael Angelesque forefinger as though he were condemning his enemies to descend to the lowest depths of the sea. It looks as if it had been inspired by a drawing of Michael Angelo’s, possibly for this statue, which may have been designed as a nude figure of Neptune; the parapet in front of the picture is decorated with a painted bas-relief of a Roman galley.

In this respect, the sibyls on the Sistine Chapel ceiling are more Michael Angelesque than their companions the prophets.

And there was a young conductor, properly haggard and dressed for the part, who produced these works: he flung himself about, darted lightnings, made Michael Angelesque gestures as though he were summoning up the armies of Beethoven or Wagner.

At last, after the lapse of ages, some sensitive artist begins to imagine that he has discovered a complete language capable of expressing any mood of mind. The passing of centuries has enriched every color, and left it related to some new phase of the soul. Phidian or Michael Angelesque forms gather their own peculiar associations of divinity or power.