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I was really interested; that's all; but your lives, I believe it, as if it was in the Bible, have been great yes, that's the word! and I'm a better chap for having known you, though, perhaps, I've known you all along, because, you see, I've I've been friends with your daughter and-well, really I haven't anything else to say, except that I hope you'll forgive me, and let me know you always."

I was really interested; that's all; but your lives, I believe it, as if it was in the Bible, have been great yes, that's the word! and I'm a better chap for having known you, though, perhaps, I've known you all along, because, you see, I've I've been friends with your daughter and-well, really I haven't anything else to say, except that I hope you'll forgive me, and let me know you always."

They looked, and looked, as though they was tryin' to read some story in each other's eyes, and then she give a kind of joyful moan, and intil his arms she went like a nestlin' bird. "He raised up her head, and-well, now, y'r anner, I niver saw anything I liked better.

William sat late in her tent that night, reading through page after page of the square handwriting, patting the sketches of proposed repairs to the reservoir, and wrinkling her eyebrows over the columns of figures of estimated water-supply."And he finds time to do all this," she cried to herself, "and-well, I also was present. I've saved one or two babies.

They looked, and looked, as though they was tryin' to read some story in each other's eyes, and then she give a kind of joyful moan, and intil his arms she went like a nestlin' bird. "He raised up her head, and-well, now, y'r anner, I niver saw anything I liked better.