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"Oh! she does not yet know of my accident; but even did she know of it, I most certainly should not ask her to do anything that might interfere with her own plans. I think she wishes this evening to realize quietly by herself that amusement of the late king, when he said to M. de Cinq-Mars, 'Let us amuse ourselves by doing nothing, and making ourselves miserable."

Tom was tolerably discreet, but Gerald, before long, let out the whole story, greatly to the amusement of the other warrant-officers, who were continually reminding poor Mr Large of his night on "Harpy Island." "Harpy it might have been, but happy it was not," he answered with a groan. "I only wish that you two had been there; you wouldn't be so fond of talking about it as you seem to be now."

I mean never to be later in rising than six, and from that time till dinner I shall divide every moment between music and reading. I have formed my plan, and am determined to enter on a course of serious study. Our own library is too well known to me, to be resorted to for any thing beyond mere amusement.

Then gradually an expression, partly of surprise, partly of amusement, crept into his eyes. "You mistake me for someone else, I am afraid," he said, and his voice was the voice of the man I had met in Geneva that I would have sworn to in any court of law, "It is rather remarkable," he went on, his eyes still set on mine, "that Mr.

"How do we know that such rumours will get about; and if they do, how do we know that they will prove to be unfounded?" "How are we to know?" the merchant cried, wriggling his long lank body with amusement. "Why, my lad, if we spread the rumours ourselves we shall have pretty good reason to believe that they are unfounded. Eh, Ezra? Ha! ha! You see there are some brains in the old man yet."

The reaction from the monotony of factory life, with its exacting, fatiguing tension of machine-tending, and the crowdedness of the tenement home, sends the laboring multitudes into the streets at night seeking diversion and amusement.

We did not become friends, for the bickers were more agreeable to both parties than any more pacific amusement; but we conducted them ever after under mutual assurances of the highest consideration for each other. Such was the hero whom Mr. Thomas Scott proposed to carry to Canada and involve in adventures with the natives and colonists of that country.

Every morning of her life Grandpa played this little trick upon her from some corner, and Christina never forgot to scream in terror, and Grandpa's amusement was never abated. She slapped him for frightening her, adding hugely to his enjoyment, and ran on into the kitchen.

Oh, dear and good sir, help me in this most miserable state of things! Tell me the truth about Miss Sally!" Old Pinfold put his hands in his pockets and leaned against the parlour wall, looking at the Frenchman with a complicated expression, in which genuine sympathy mingled oddly with a quaint sense of amusement. "You're a worthy chap," he said; "and you shall have the truth.

"That will do no harm," replied the priest. "But none the less will my labor be needed, since Mefres and Herhor will never consent to yield the treasure." "And art Thou sure of success?" inquired Ramses persistently. "Since Egypt is Egypt," said Samentu, "there has not been a man who had such means to win victory as I have. This encounter is for me not even a struggle, but an amusement.