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These are at first shown as hostile to Krishna only, but as the story unfolds, his role gradually widens and we see him acting as the cowherds' ally, protecting them from harm, attacking the forces of evil and thus fulfilling the supreme purpose for which he has been born. From time to time the cowherds realize that Krishna is Vishnu and adore him as God. Then amnesia intervenes.

This dislocation of memory is a variety of aphasia known as amnesia, and when the memory is recurrently lost and restored it is an "alternating personality." The psychical researchers and psychologists have reported many cases of alternating personality.

It is not necessary to burden the reader with other cases, all of which consistently gave such accounts. We see, then, that in the marked stupor the intellectual processes are regularly interfered with, as evidenced by almost complete amnesia for external events and internal thoughts. In other words, this would indicate that the minds of these patients were blank.

He let out a despairing sigh as soft lips caressed him -his mouth, his neck, his chest -all in deepest passion, and solemn entreaty. It was not his true love, but he could not deny her this. Nor, as he held her close, did he have any wish to, all else falling away in the unconscious amnesia of male passion.

"The Perfume of Eros" is frenzied fiction again; amnesia, drunkenness, white slavery, sex, are its mingled themes. There is a pretty picture, recognizable in any smart community, of a witty woman of fashion, and a full-length portrait of a bounder. "The Yellow Fay," Saltus's cliché for the Demon Rum, was the original title of this "Fifth Avenue Incident."

Scarcely a hospital in the land that does not have its quota of such patients under treatment patients who, in many cases, have completely forgotten who and what they are and have assumed a totally different identity from that they began life with." "We know that, in some cases, hypnotism has benefited the aphasia and amnesia victim.

Artemus Todd resided to explain to that savant the reason for their inability to secure a single specimen of the Chrysothele-Byzantium, which herb the doctor was so confident would be of incalculable value in treating patients suffering from aphasia, amnesia, and kindred troubles.

As he sat there, pale as the twilight sky, the mists of amnesia lifted from him. He was cured as if by the touch of a holy man. No wonder these forests depths were familiar. His boyhood and early manhood, clear until the vortex of war had engulfed him, had been spent amid just such surroundings, in just such silences, on the banks of just such wilderness rivers.

In narrator by the access of years and in consequence of the use of narcotic toxin: in listener by the access of years and in consequence of the action of distraction upon vicarious experiences. What idiosyncracies of the narrator were concomitant products of amnesia? Occasionally he ate without having previously removed his hat.

We know, further, with what ease hypnotic suggestion can either provoke or dispel partial or general anaesthesia, and this applies equally to partial or general paralysis. Paralysis is often, if not always, due to a simple amnesia forgetfulness to make use of certain muscles which can be overcome by suggestion.