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One of her acts of beneficence is recorded in Berquin's Ami des Enfans, but even her own children cannot tell in which story it is. Her daughter, Madame Gautier, gains upon our esteem every day. Turn the handle of the magic-lanthorn: who is this graceful figure, with all the elegance of court manners, and all the simplicity of domestic virtue? She is Madame de Pastoret.

Oh, 'mon ami', in what a tone, with what a voice, do you address me! Are you angry because I came too late?" "Too soon, Madame, much too soon, for the things you are to hear for I see you are far from prepared for them." Marie, affected at the gloomy and bitter tone of his voice, began to weep. "Alas, what have I done," she said, "that you should call me Madame, and treat me thus harshly?"

Oh, mon Dieu! how awkwardly I do go about it, don't I? You must believe me more than ever a miserable creature! and yet there is nothing in it, not a thing; it's the truth, the pure truth, mon ami! You are the first man for whose sake I have forgotten all that I am now forgetting! Yes, the first! Never has any other man heard from my lips a single word of tenderness, never!

'Reste en prison, ecoute le chant d'amour, 'Et le doux son des baisers que la Reine a promit 'A celui qui monte, sans peur et sans retour Au Palais D'Iffry! Helas, mon ami, C'est triste d'ecouter le chanson sans le chanter aussi!"

Come along, mon ami! It will amuse me to hear you talk." Juliet went upstairs to fetch her cloak, and Dick took his coat from the peg in the hall, and began to put it on. Saltash watched him with careless amiability. "Are you going to be there to-night then?" Dick asked him suddenly. "I am proposing to give myself that pleasure," he returned.

The gold lace was green in places and sticky. In an odd silence she unbuttoned her glove, and laid it quietly aside. "It seems, mon ami, that we have only been playing at life up to now," she said, after a pause. And Lory did not answer her. He had several letters lying before him, and had taken up his pen again. "What brings you to Paris?" asked the baroness, suddenly.

During the early hours of Wednesday, the 23d, reports of these disaffections succeeded each other rapidly at the Tuileries, and a council was held in the king's cabinet, to which the queen and the princes were invited. The king spoke of resigning his crown, adding that he was "fortunate in being able to resign it." "But you cannot abdicate, mon ami," said the queen. "You owe yourself to France.

A profound hush closed down upon the ship, whose progress across the face of the waters seemed to acquire a new significance of stealth, so that the two seated by the taffrail, above the throbbing screws and rushing torrent of the wake, talked in lowered accents without thinking why. "It is that one grows bored, eh, cher ami?" "Perhaps, Liane."

He took her out to dinner in quiet places, and she would take him home to coffee, and they would chat, and there was an end. She was seemingly well content. She did her business, and they would even speak of it. "I cannot come to-night, mon ami," she would say; "I am busy." She would nod to him as she passed out of the restaurant with someone else, and he would smile back at her.

Fortunately the Empress was good enough to come to my assistance, and said to her husband in her own gentle tones, always so touching and full of expression, "Mon ami, if you are willing to pardon him, you will be doing me a favor."