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I can not doubt, says the venerable President of Amherst College, that could the greatest among the great men of his day add a codicil to his invaluable legacy, it would be, "Teach your children early to read and love the Bible.

He had talked the matter over with his mother and with Amy, and in due time he did enter Amherst College, and for a long time his adventures ceased. He heard occasionally from Mr. Brooks, who appeared to be doing well and who sent money on at intervals, but no explanation. And so the time passed until Desmond graduated and returned home.

While she spoke they passed out of the wood-path they had been following, and rounding a mass of shrubbery emerged on the lawn below the terraces. The long bulk of the house lay above them, dark against the lingering gleam of the west, with brightly-lit windows marking its irregular outline; and the sight produced in Amherst and Justine a vague sense of helplessness and constraint.

Amherst can only advance by water, and as we have armed vessels on the lake and he has not, why there is as much chance of his doing anything before the winter sets in again, as there is of my being made a Field Marshal."

Fortunately for Esther, no one had the right or power to beat her as if she were a slave, and so the mystery still remained unsolved. For the next week manifestations continued to take place daily and were as powerful as ever. The excitement in Amherst was intense.

"Great Bear talks wisdom, but it will not be done his way. Men have been coming here a long time now to fight and not to hunt. See, Great Bear, here is a footprint now to show that some one has passed!" "'Twas made by the moccasin of a warrior. A chance hunter." "Suppose we follow it, Great Bear. It is our business to keep guard and carry word to Amherst." "Good enough. Lead and I'll follow."

She had only to hold her tongue!" Mr. Langhope laughed sardonically. "It's not quite so simple. Amherst was coming to town to tell me." "Ah he knows?" "Yes and she preferred that I should have her version first." "And what is her version?" The furrows of misery deepened in Mr. Langhope's face. "Maria don't ask too much of me! I can't go over it again.

"I make a sort of rag-carpet of the odd minutes," she had once explained to a friend who wondered at her turning to her needlework in the moment's interval between other tasks. Amherst threw himself wearily into a chair. "I was trying to find out something about Dillon's case," he said. His mother turned a quick glance toward the door, rose to close it, and reseated herself. "Well?"

Wolfe, indeed, urged that an expedition should at once be sent against Quebec, but Boscawen was opposed to this, owing to the lateness of the season, and Amherst was too slow and deliberate, by nature, to determine suddenly on the enterprise. He, however, sailed with six regiments for Boston, to reinforce Abercromby at Lake George.

As she crouched there, with head thrown back, and sparkling lips and eyes, her fair hair of her mother's very hue making a shining haze about her face, Amherst recalled the winter evening at Hopewood, when he and Bessy had tracked the grey squirrel under the snowy beeches. Scarcely three years ago and how bitter memory had turned!