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Curse the fools! the sooner one leaves them the better." "So I think," acceded R , sitting down quietly in the after part of his pram, and dangling his crossed leg. "For my part, I don't think there are any salmon at all. I can't get a rise. I wouldn't mind betting an even crown you had hold of a weed!" "Pooh! stuff!" ejaculated P , starting off in his see-saw ambulation again.

We know that we cannot learn to dance without preliminary exercises, that we cannot play the piano without practising the movements of the hand; but prior to this, the fundamental coordination of movements, that is to say, ambulation and prehension, must have already been established from infancy. It is not yet so evident to us that similar gradual preparations are necessary to develop the will.

He caught himself up, but after the slightest pause, resumed: "Forsan et haec ohm meminisse juvabit. Look at Clive, I was saying; a lout, a bear, a booby as a boy, mark you; yet now! Is there a man whose name rings more loudly in the world's ear? And what Robert Clive is, that Desmond Burke might be if he had the mind and the will. You are going farther? Ah, I have not your love of ambulation.

Thus carried into closer quarters, we are in an improved situation as regards acquaintance and conduct; and we say that through the idea we now KNOW the object better or more truly. My thesis is that the knowing here is MADE by the ambulation through the intervening experiences.

They must needs lumber on after a fashion of their own, and if there is a music to their ambulation it must be individual, neither in common nor in three-eight time, but winding and quickening at will, with no strait symmetry of antiphonal bars. There is nothing to tell you the writer has made "prose" as the spacing and the capital letters invite you to look for poetry.

Cognition, whenever we take it concretely, means determinate 'ambulation, through intermediaries, from a terminus a quo to, or towards, a terminus ad quem. They fall wholly within experience; and we need use, in describing them, no other categories than those which we employ in describing other natural processes.

Each girl must take forty units in the course. I think we only do one unit each day we go out." "It must," I said, "be pretty fatiguing work, and what about the Excursion?" "That's every Saturday. We go out with Miss Stalk, the professor of Ambulation." "And where do you go?" "Oh, anywhere. One day we go perhaps for a trip on a steamer and another Saturday somewhere in motors, and so on."

We move each in our little circle by a stout hedge encompassed. Circumstance suddenly will break the wall: some fellow man or woman is flung against us, and immediately the quiet ambulation of our little circle is for some conflict sharp exchanged. To-day we are at peace with the world, to-morrow warring with all mankind.

But our Smithsonian systematizer will allow us neither horn of this dilemma. He insists that the trees were made for the climate, and that they have preserved their characteristic features during their entire ambulation upon the earth's surface. With the change of a single monosyllabic predicate, this proposition is undoubtedly true. We have never heard that plants or trees were "made."