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If you don't like the pris'n, I have a nice little room o' my own, sir, where you can wait, for a small consideration, until you get bail." "I'll go there, then," said Tom. "Go through as private streets as you can." "Give me half-a-guinea for my trouble, sir, and I'll ambulate you through lanes every fut o' the way." "Very well," said Tom.

If you ask a policeman to pilot you through the Chinese quarter of San Francisco between eight and eleven o'clock any night, you will see the creatures who make this outcry. They are Hoodlums, gangs of whom per ambulate the worst alleys, and pass in and out of the vilest kennels.

Professor Strong distinguishes between what he calls 'saltatory' and what he calls 'ambulatory' relations. 'Difference, for example, is saltatory, jumping as it were immediately from one term to another, but 'distance' in time or space is made out of intervening parts of experience through which we ambulate in succession.

About the middle of next February, when the thermometer is flirting with the forty-below mark, she may change her mind. I suppose the lady expected to get a lodge and a deer-park along with her new home, to say nothing of a picture 'all open to the public on Fridays, admission one shilling and a family ghost, and, of course, a terrace for the aforesaid ghost to ambulate along on moonlight nights.

The same is true of the relation called 'knowing, which may connect an idea with a reality. My own account of this relation is ambulatory through and through. I say that we know an object by means of an idea, whenever we ambulate towards the object under the impulse which the idea communicates.

Having uttered this protest, he continued to ambulate at the same pace, though somewhat assisted by the forward pull of the connecting tub, an easance of burden which he found pleasant; and no supplementary message came from the clothes-boiler, for the reason that it was incapable of further speech. And so the two groups maintained for a time their relative positions, about fifteen feet apart.

"Elisha ain't no front runner," said he. "He's like his daddy does all his running in the last quarter. He comes from behind." "Sure does!" chirped Mose. "All I got to do is fetch him into 'e stretch, swing wide so he got plenty of room to ambulate hisse'f, boot him once in 'e slats, an' good night an' good-by!