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He was hopeful that Jim would have a better story to tell; but to his amazement, he found that his friend, despite the lateness of the hour, had not yet come back. A shiver of alarm passed over Tom, for he was certain that some dreadful evil had befallen him.

"Colonel Brook-White," cried Fleck in amazement, recognizing the voice as that of one of the officers in charge of the British Government's Intelligence Service in America. "What are you doing here?" "Trying to round up some bally German spies," explained Brook-White. "I've beaten you to it," cried Fleck, with a note of triumph in his tone. "I've got them all here in shackles."

"Make an example of Polete," he answered decidedly. "That's the best way, sir. Put him out of the way, let the other niggers see us do it, and they'll quiet down fast enough." "Undoubtedly that is the easiest way," I said, smiling, "but, unfortunately, I had to promise the person who gave me the information that Polete should not be harmed." Long stared at me for a moment in amazement.

And instantly I was furious with a blind rage that stung me like a thousand hornets. I rose and slapped the ruffian on the shoulder in a way that would have knocked an ordinary man down. "You dirty brute!" I cried, "say to me what you have to say to the lad!" The man regarded me with an amazement that soon flamed up into anger.

I turned aside and found to my amazement that the stranger, who was not in uniform, and did not court observation, was Captain Carlton, who served with me in the Prince's army and of whom ye may have heard me speak. A good soldier and a fair-minded gentleman, tho' of another way of thinking from me.

Its head was clumsy and misshapen, and altogether its aspect was very horrible. Before either Martin or Barney could fire, the hermit dropped his gun and spear, sprang quickly forward, caught the animal by the tail, and, putting forth his great strength to the utmost, swung it round his head and dashed its brains out against a tree. Barney and Martin could only stare with amazement.

And, switching round with a cry of amazement, he found himself looking into the face and eyes of a woman. And of all women in the world Ailsa Lorne! He sucked in his breath and his heart began to hammer. "Miss Lorne!" he exclaimed, so carried out of himself that he scarcely knew what he did. "Good heavens above! Miss Lorne!"

She expressed her amazement at the king's conduct; for she knew very well, she said, that the league had hardly been confirmed and sworn to, before he was treating with secret agents sent to him by the cardinal.

To my amazement at the monstrous mistakes made in the performance, he replied, with great surprise and a certain haughty indignation, that he could not understand why I made so much fuss about such trifles, as I must know very well that in theatres it was impossible to do otherwise.

'It is nothing; you can go again. Paula looked at the unhappy baronet in amazement; then turning to the servant, who stood with the door in his hand, said, 'Tell Thomas to saddle the chestnut, and 'It's all a mistake, insisted De Stancy. 'Leave the room, James! James looked at his mistress. 'Yes, James, leave the room, she calmly said, sitting down.