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Redly and somewhat painfully, the observed of all observers, Miss Schump tilted her head and drank, manfully and shudderingly, to the bitter end of the glass. "Attaboy! Say, tell it to the poodles and the great Danes! That Jane's no amachure!" Eyes stung to tears, pink tip of her tongue quickly circling her lips, Miss Schump held out to Mr. Kinealy the empty tumbler. "Now, there!" "More?"

They is many kinds of hobos and tramps, perfessional and amachure, and lots of kinds of bums, and lots of young fellers working their way around to see things, like I was, and lots of working men in hard luck going from place to place, and all them kinds is humans. But the real yeggman ain't even a dog.

"She's come to see you about that amachure job," said Connie, reaching over to grab a theatrical magazine from the desk, and running her eye carelessly over its pages. Artheris's blandly smiling face underwent an instant change. He elevated his eyebrows, pursed his lips, and nodded with sudden interest. "Oh to be sure to be sure! The performance of 'The Amazons' for the Hospital yes, well!

Are you intoxicated or only slightly dizzy?" "He lied about Cora Kinealy. He lied that little skunk lied." "Didn't you ask him to go there with you?" "Sure; but he's no amachure." "Are you?" "What?" "An amateur?" "No, this Jane ain't." "Will you go quietly into the next room with the matron and tell her all about it? The court does not want to have to deal too harshly with a girl like you.

'Cora Jones, she said." Through the smoke of her bewilderment something irate stirred within Miss Schump, a smouldering sense of anger that burst out into a brief tongue of flame. "You! You! You're no amachure! Cora Jones! Cora Kinealy! Go tell it to the great Danes! Say it again! Gimme leave! Gimme leave!" The immediate peremptoriness of the gavel set her to blinking, but did not silence.

"No, this isn't anything like that, dearie," explained Mrs. Tarbury. "There's going to be a big amachure show for charity at the Grand next month, and they want a few professionals in it, to buck up the others. All the swells are going to be in it it's going to be something elegant! Of course they'd pay something, and it'd be a lot of fun for you!