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"Do not fly me, Amabel," he cried, in an impassioned tone, "but suffer me to declare the love I have for you. I cannot live without you." Amabel, whose neck and cheeks were crimsoned with blushes, cast down her eyes before the ardent regards of the gallant, and endeavoured to withdraw her hand. "One word only," he continued, "and I release you. Am I wholly indifferent to you! Answer me yes or no!"

He was an ardent student of Nietzsche, at a time when that, too, was to be original. Amabel met this young man constantly at the dances and country parties of a season. And, suddenly, the world changed. It was not dawn and it was not daylight; it was a wild and beautiful illumination like torches at night. She knew herself loved and her own being became precious and enchanting to her.

Shortly afterwards the doctor came out, and said to me, 'I am going to attend a young woman who is sick of the plague, and may be absent for some time. If Mr. Thirlby or Leonard Holt should call, detain them till my return." "My heart tells me that the young woman he is gone to visit is no other than Amabel," said Leonard Holt, sorrowfully. "I suspect it is Nizza Macascree," cried Thirlby.

I feel a fool. Why can't I know what they're talking about when they can kick up row enough under my very nose to make you come and rag me like this?" "Jeff," said Miss Amabel, "unless you are prepared to go into social work seriously and see things as Mr. Moore sees them " Jeff gave a little crow of derision and she coloured. "It wouldn't hurt you, Jeff, to see some things as he does.

Upon one occasion they were left alone together, and instead of quitting the room, as she had been accustomed, Amabel called to Leonard, who was about to depart, and requested him to stay. The apprentice instantly obeyed; the colour forsook his cheek, and his heart beat violently. "You desire to speak with me, Amabel," he said: "Ha! you have relented? Is there any hope for me?"

While thinking of Amabel, and of the delight her presence would have afforded him, slumber stole upon him, and his dreams were naturally influenced by his previous meditations.

At least if she could talk about it with some one who wasn't Anne with whom she had talked for years knowing exactly what Anne would say at every point, it seemed as if she were getting, even at a snail's pace, upon her road. But Miss Amabel was very dense. "My dear," said she, "I don't know what you mean."

If he were here to-day he wouldn't sit down at the same table with Weedie, and he wouldn't let you." She followed him to the door; her comfortable hand was on his arm. "Weedon will begin his campaign this fall," she said. Evidently she felt bound to define her standpoint clearly. "Where's his money?" They were at the door and Jeffrey turned upon her. "Amabel, you're not going to stake that whelp?"

Bloundel called his wife out of the room for a moment, and as their eldest son, Stephen, was in the shop, and the two other children upstairs, Amabel was left alone with her lover. The door was no sooner closed than he sprang towards her and threw himself at her feet. "Shall I avail myself of your father's offer, sweetheart?" he cried.

How it came there I know not, but I can give a shrewd guess as to the writer. I ought to tell you, that but for what has just occurred, I should not have delivered it to you." "It is from Wyvil I mean Rochester," said Amabel, taking the note with a trembling hand. "Let me see it, child," cried Mrs. Bloundel, snatching it from her, and breaking the seal.