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Jim was puzzled and half-annoyed, because he could not tell what Bernard meant; but the latter began to talk about something else. "You were a miner for a time, I think," he presently remarked. "One would expect you to know gold when you see it." "It's sometimes difficult," said Jim. "As a rule, gold is pure. It doesn't form chemical alloys, but it's often mixed with other substances."

It cannot be he. Nobody seems to have thought of going to the door to see whether it was he or not, but they went on arguing with Rhoda as to whether she was right or wrong. The unbelief that alloys even golden faith is taught us in this incident.

"I do not think so. I am no expert, but I have a vague idea I have seen " He wrinkled his brows and pressed away the furrows with his hand, that physical habit of his when perplexed. "I have it," he cried. "It is antimony." Miss Deane pursed her lips in disdain. Antimony! What was antimony? "So much fuss for nothing," she said. "It is used in alloys and medicines," he explained.

And straightway the musician entered on a multitude of ingenious experiments, so as to discover the particular metallic alloys that reflected light with the greatest intensity, the best means of giving the parabolic figure to the mirrors, the necessary degree of polish, and other practical details. In his eager pursuit he enlisted the services of his loving and intelligent sister.

M. Le Chatelier, M. Charpy, M. Dumas, M. Osmond, in France; Sir W. Roberts Austen and Mr. Stansfield, in England, have given manifold examples of the fertility of these methods. The question, moreover, has had a new light thrown upon it by the application of the principles of thermodynamics and of the phase rule. Alloys are generally known in the two states of solid and liquid.

I do not wonder that Turguenieff thought the conditions ideal, as Boyesen portrayed them to him; and I look back at my own life there with wonder at my good fortune. I was sensible, and I still am sensible this had its alloys.

The dynamite had dug a ditch more than a hundred feet wide, all around us, and cast up an embankment some twenty-five feet high on both borders of it. As to destruction of life, it was amazing. Moreover, it was beyond estimate. Of course, we could not count the dead, because they did not exist as individuals, but merely as homogeneous protoplasm, with alloys of iron and buttons.

Between those days and the new days lay a gulf which no voice or language could carry. Much was lost that could never be recovered; and if new gold was added to the currency of the spirit, new alloys were wrought into its substance.

I be's the cove, the merry old cove, Of whose max all the rufflers sing; And a lushing cove, I thinks, by Jove, Is as great as a sober king! CHORUS. Is as great as a sober king! Whatever the noise as is made by the boys At the bar as they lush away, The devil a noise my peace alloys As long as the rascals pay! CHORUS. As long as the rascals pay!

The third case of the series is resplendent with samples of native Gold a metal that plays so powerful a part in the affairs of men that has roused the fiercest passions of mankind, and been coveted by human beings from the remote times when the Phoenicians dreamt of golden lands in the east. Half of this table case is covered with native gold and alloys.