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Well, some folks calls 'ern the 'vig'lance committee'; but that's long for a name, so in Wolfville we allers allooded to 'em as `Stranglers. This yere is brief, an' likewise sheds some light. "This Jack Moore which I'm proud to say he's my friend I reckons is the most pro bono publico gent in the Southwest. He's out to do anythin' from fight to fiddle at a dance, so's it's a public play.

Jim walked home from college day 'fore yesterday, and turned right in to-day to help get in the taters, workin' right along. Deacon was awful grouty." "What was the matter o' the deacon?" "Oh, the mortgage kind o' works him. The time to pay comes round putty soon, and the deacon's face allers goes down long as yer arm.

She sent me to see why Lizy didn't come to dress her; and when I telled her she was off, she jest ris up, and ses she, 'The Lord be praised; and Mas'r, he seemed rael mad, and ses he, 'Wife, you talk like a fool. But Lor! she'll bring him to! I knows well enough how that'll be, it's allers best to stand Missis' side the fence, now I tell yer."

"Well, he made his by bein' shrewd and careful and always lookin' out for number one. 'Number one' was his hobby. I gathered that the heft of his spare change had come from dickers in stocks and bonds. "'Humph! says I. 'Well, speakin' of tricks and meanness, I've allers heard tell that there was some of them things hitched to the tail of the stock market.

There mustn't be a word spoke from the time ye get sight o' the treasure till ye get it safe up on to firm ground, says I. 'Ef ye do, it'll vanish right out o' sight. I've talked with them that has dug down to it and seen it; but they allers lost it, 'cause they'd call out and say suthin'; and the minute they spoke, away it went.

"It was a dirty trick, freeze me if it wasn't; but you can allers find a white man to do a mean trick, when you can't a copperskin; that you may set down as a p'inted fact, Teddy." "I belaves ye, Mister Tim.

But his daughter had already dismissed the question with her usual directness. "I'll be down in a few moments, father," she said after a pause, "but don't say any thing to him about it don't say I was abed." Mr. McClosky's face beamed. "You was allers a good girl, Jinny," he said, dropping on one knee the better to imprint a respectful kiss on her forehead.

I got to get my breath to talk, after walkin' up the hill for to rest Sanky Pansy a bit, for the cart was powerful full this mornin', an' he did have a load, an' he's gettin' old an' has to be eased off a bit like myself, an' I felt kind of blowed an' puffy-like. Soon's I can talk good, I will. Young folks is allers got to be impatient.

The negro received this with a quiet chuckle. "No," said he. "Massa nebber knowed fear, but ob dis you may be bery sure, massa's allers got good reasons for what he does.

The country may go to the devil, but I won't! And next Summer when I start out on my campane with my Show, wharever I pitch my little tent, you shall see floatin prowdly from the center pole thereof the Amerikan Flag, with nary a star wiped out, nary a stripe less, but the same old flag that has allers flotid thar! & the price of admishun will be the same it allers was 15 cents, children half price.