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Then, to be the object of universal detestation, to be distinguished only less for the badness of one's character than for that of one's speeches, to be pointed at by every finger as the famous champion of all-round villany this seems to me no inconsiderable attainment. And now you have my advice; take it with the blessing of the great Goddess Lubricity.

Turned Mussulman, joined in wedlock to three or four sore-eyed village damsels; worshipped as a sort of strange, superior being, hakim and eye-water dispenser; consulted as a walking store-house of occult philosophy on all occasions; endeavoring to educate the people up to habits of all-round cleanliness; chiding the mothers for allowing the flies to swarm and devour the poor little babies' eyes all this, for toke-me-morge, pillau, mast, and sheerah, twice or thrice a day!

The police agent took the purse, poured out the money into his hand, and examined it curiously. "Yes, it is gold, sure enough!" said he, "and a coat-of-arms on the purse! The scoundrel! How clever he is! What an all-round villain! He does us all brown and all the time! He ought to be shot down like a dog!" "Why, what's the matter?" asked the clerk, taking back the money. "The matter!

I.P., a man living some two miles from Aldington, regularly walked the four miles there and back for many years, in addition to his day's work. He was an excellent drainer, and a most useful all-round man, exceedingly strong and willing, bright and cheerful in conversation, and I had a very high opinion of him.

His whole political, social, and economic outlook embodied a society of energetic, optimistic, and prosperous democrats, united by much the same interests, occupations, and point of view. Each of these democrats was to be essentially an all-round man.

Well, one must admit that they all stand by one another in the most infernal way, from the respected chief of the battery down to the smallest gunner, so that they'll rattle along somehow. There's a show of some sort of discipline; but really and truly it's just an all-round compromise. A man does a couple of days' work, and earns by that the right of idling all the more shamelessly afterwards.

And I know it is right " "Why is it right?" He was up in arms again. Obstinate but how lovable! "Why mayn't I have the same luck as he had if it comes my way? I've never met a girl or woman that could hold a candle to you for all-round loveliness. And it's the East that gives you inside and out a quality, a bloom unseizable like moonlight " "But, my darling! You make me blush!"

But to bend a cold, clear gaze over all one's past life as a traveller turns and looks from a high mountain on the plain he has passed through is only possible at a certain age ... and a secret chill clutches at a man's heart when it happens to him for the first time. Mine, anyway, felt a sick pang. While we are young, such an all-round view is impossible.

"Music study means so much more than merely exercising the fingers," she said; "the student should have a good all-round education. When young people come to me for instruction, I ask what they are doing in school.

The men I have in mind were the following: Pericles, Builder of Athens. Aristotle, tutor of Alexander, and the world's first naturalist. Leonardo, the all-round man the man who could do more things, and do them well, than any other man who every lived. Sir Isaac Newton, the mathematician, who analyzed light and discovered the law of gravitation.