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Then the Child leaned his head on one shoulder to listen if he could no longer hear the little messenger of spring; and he could just catch the distant and quivering notes in which she sang of the fervent longing after the clear element of freedom, after the pure all-present light, and of the blessed foretaste of this desired enfranchisement, of this blending in the sea of celestial happiness.

But it isn't conventional to go on long tramps with even the nicest new Johnnies, is it?" "No, but " "I know. You'll say, 'Who makes the convention? and of course there's no answer but 'They. But They are so all-present. They Oh yes, yes, yes, I will go! But you will let me get back by dinner-time, won't you?

The great and all-present evil of the rural districts is this you have too many people for the work to be done, and you, the landed proprietors, are alone responsible for this state of things; and to speak honestly, I believe many of you know it. I have been charged with saying out-of-doors that this House is a club of land-owners legislating for land-owners.

The temptation passed Cesarini leaned safe, unharmed, but half senseless with mingled rage and fear, against the wall. He was alone Maltravers had left him had fled from himself fled into the chamber fled for refuge from human passions to the wing of the All-Seeing and All-Present. "Father," he groaned, sinking on his knees, "support me, save me: without Thee I am lost."

Can one in calm thought so regard the Infinite and Absolute Being All-Wise Causeless All-Powerful All-Present All-Possessing Lacking Nothing Perfect One as acting and performing thus, and from these motives? Is not this as childish as the childishness of the savage, and barbarians, in their Mumbo-Jumbo conceptions? Let us leave this phase of the subject.

To it thou art the heart-searcher who lookest through its innermost thoughts; the all-present, faithful witness of its sentiments, who alone knowest that it meaneth well, and who alone understandest it, when misunderstood by all the world. Thou art to it a Father, whose purposes toward it are ever kind, and who will order everything for its best good.

The Master, being busy and abhorring calls, had stayed at home. He was at work in his study; and Lady was drowsing in the cool lower hall. A few minutes before the Mistress was due to return for dinner, a whiff of acrid smoke was wafted to the man's nostrils. Now, to every dweller in the country, there is one all-present peril; namely, fire.

He, the All-loving, the All-present, how could it be that He was not there? 'It is a mystery, said the man who was her guide, and who answered to her thought. 'When I set my foot upon this blessed land I knew that there, even there, He is.

But the phase of exaltation and potent energy had passed for the time, and we now see him faint and despondent, yet, with the sure instinct of mighty spiritual natures, seeking recuperation in solitary companionship with the all-present Spirit. We do not know how long Elijah remained in his dismal cavern, long enough, however, to recover his physical energies and his moral courage.

A walk round the city reminds one of Paris with its Boulevards planted with trees, and Venice with its all-present canals; indeed, it is actually divided up into nearly one hundred islands, connected by over three hundred bridges. A curious thing is, that its inhabitants are really living below the level of the sea, which is stoutly dammed out.