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Then he remembered the drink. 'Were they not surprised when they made the island? he asked. 'Wise-a-mana he say "dam! what this?" was the reply. 'O, that's it then, said Herrick. 'I don't believe they knew where they were. 'I think so too, said Uncle Ned. 'I think no savvy. This one mo' betta, he added, pointing to the house where the drunken captain slumbered: 'Take-a-sun all-e-time.

No good,” said he. “Too much devil he stop there.” “Oho!” says I, “got-um plenty devil, that bush?” “Man devil, woman devil; too much devil,” said my friend. “Stop there all-e-time. Man he go there, no come back.” I thought if this fellow was so well posted on devils and spoke of them so free, which is not common, I had better fish for a little information about myself and Uma.

Then he remembered the drink. "Were they not surprised when they made the island?" he asked. "Wise-a-mana he say, 'damn! what this?" was the reply. "O, that's it, then," said Herrick. "I don't believe they knew where they were." "I think so too," said Uncle Ned. "I think no savvy. This one mo' betta," he added, pointing to the house, where the drunken captain slumbered: "Take-a-sun all-e-time."

"See plenty litty mat lice; too-muchy plenty litty mat lice; sixty ton, litty mat lice. I think all-e-time: perhaps plenty opium plenty litty mat lice." "Well, Mr. Dodd, how does that strike you?" asked the captain. "He may be right, he may be wrong. He's likely to be right: for if he isn't, where can the stuff be?

"No good," said he. "Too much devil he stop there." "Oho!" says I, "got-um plenty devil, that bush?" "Man devil, woman devil; too much devil," said my friend. "Stop there all-e-time. Man he go there, no come back." I thought if this fellow was so well posted on devils and spoke of them so free, which is not common, I had better fish for a little information about myself and Uma.

"See plenty litty mat lice; too muchy plenty litty mat lice; sixty ton litty mat lice. I think all-e-time perhaps plenty opium plenty litty mat lice." "Well, Mr. Dodd, how does that strike you?" asked the captain. "He may be right, he may be wrong. He's likely to be right, for if he isn't where can the stuff be?