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"Oh, I ain't goin' to do anythin' to you. I'm recon-noiterin' in my own. Say 'pore Tommy' 'alf-a-dozen times." The prisoner obeyed. "That's what's been puzzlin' me since I 'ad the pleasure o' meetin' you," said Copper. "You ain't 'alf-caste, but you talk chee-chee pukka bazar chee-chee. Proceed." "Hullo," said the Sergeant of the picket, twenty minutes later, "where did you round him up?"

"I should like to tell 'im a story, Jock," says the Corporal to his other neighbour. "My job is on a hospital train. 'Alf-a-dozen 'Un aeroplanes made a raid behind our lines; and seeing a beautiful Red Cross train it was a new London and North Western train, chocolate and white, with red crosses as plain as could be well, they simply couldn't resist such a target as that!

In brief Creole prose he struck the highest key of Shakespeare's sonnets: "Was she not doing a grievous wrong to herself and Chester, to the whole coterie that so adored her, especially to the De l'Isles and himself, and even to society at large? Her reasons," he said, shifting to English, "I can guess at them, but guessing at 'alf-a-dozen convinze' me of none!"

It couldn't very well be, 'cause no one knew of this particular horse, not a soul! not 'alf-a-dozen people in the world. No, he would tell no one until his money and the stable money was all right. And he didn't care for no half-crowns or dollars this time, if he couldn't get a sovereign or two on the horse he'd let it alone. This time he'd be a man or a mouse.