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"Ha, ha!" he thought to himself. "Senor Felipe Moreno, you come to the wrong house asking for news of Alessandro Assis!"

But when we find him in private unmasking the artifices of the despots by the most relentless use of frigid criticism, and advocating a mixed government upon the type of the Venetian Constitution, we are constrained to admit with Varchi and Pitti that his support of Alessandro was prompted less by loyalty than by a desire to gratify his own ambition and avarice under the protective shadow of the Medicean tyranny.

The management of their affairs in England, where they continued their business of usurers, they left to a young nephew, Alessandro by name, while, heedless alike of the teaching of experience and of marital and parental duty, they all three launched out at Florence into more extravagant expenditure than before, and contracted debts on all hands and to large amounts.

There goes there now the San Juan Capistrano priest. He is a bad man. He takes money from the starving poor." "A priest!" ejaculated Ramona, horror-stricken. "Ay! a priest!" replied Alessandro. "They are not all good, not like Father Salvierderra." "Oh, if we could but have gone to Father Salvierderra!" exclaimed Ramona, involuntarily. Alessandro looked distressed.

His countenance cleared as Ramona replied gleefully, "I think it will be very comfortable, and I shall feel as if we were all doves together in the dove-cote!" "Majel!" exclaimed Alessandro; and that was all he said. Only a few rods off stood the little chapel; in front of it swung on a cross-bar from two slanting posts an old bronze bell which had once belonged to the San Diego Mission.

When Margarita, in triumph, had flown to tell her that the Senora had just dragged the Senorita Ramona up the garden-walk, and shoved her into her room and locked the door, and that it was because she had caught her with Alessandro at the washing-stones, Marda first crossed herself in sheer mechanical fashion at the shock of the story, and then cuffed Margarita's ears for telling her.

They were all ready now, Ramona on Baba, the two packed nets swinging from her saddle, one on either side. Alessandro, walking, led his tired pony. It was a sad sort of procession for one going to be wed, but Ramona's heart was full of joy.

"Your will is done." "Thank you, Signor Alessandro: God be with you. Come, Pilade." Silvestro took Castracane by the hand, but not before the gentleman had kissed his own with profound respect. Then Silvestro led his friend away through the trees, and the Sub-Prefect was understood to say "We have been on the wrong scent, men. Mount. To the city Avanti!" "What's all this?

"I taste salt in the air, Alessandro," she cried. "Yes, it is the sea," he said. "This canon leads straight to the sea. I wish we could go by the shore, Majella. It is beautiful there.

If Alessandro whispered, he, Baba, would whisper back; and it was little more than a whispered whinny which he gave, as he trotted quickly to the fence, and put his nose to Alessandro's face, rubbing and kissing and giving soft whinnying sighs. "Hush! hush! Baba," whispered Alessandro, as if he were speaking to a human being.