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"Now, Prue, I wont have poor Charley scolded when he's been so sick," she said "He's only a boy, anyhow, and he's going to turn over a new leaf now; aint you, Charley? and go to school regular, and do his chores, and be the comfort of his granny's life.

"Ise not sayin' nun' Cap'en" he remarked to Paul, "but that man aint been rised aroun' whar da do much shootin', suah's yo' libe. Dar aint no tellin' whar he gwine fur to pint that weepin' an Ise running chances in hyah wid him. Dat's right, Cap'en." He was assured that there would be no danger; but he was far from being satisfied and kept an anxious eye on the Doctor's movements.

Ishmael set down this and looked up. "Well, Jim?" "Well, sir, tell her how she aint got no call to be anxious nor likewise stressed in her mind, nor lay 'wake o' nights thinking 'bout me, fear I should heave myself 'way, marrying of these yer trifling city gals as don't know a spinning wheel from a harrow.

Another ghost of a smile was seen for a moment on the grave face. "Sam aint thinkin' about that. You hurry and finish and lay down and sleep, and when you wake up he'll be back here ready, to take you along furder. That's a healthy little one. She wants some more buttermilk. Give it to her.

"I want you to have a good time in your club, but when it is all play and nothing else, it aint just the thing." "Yes, aunty," said the now matured and venerable Charlie. "And we're going to have something else." "What is it?" He only winked and looked wise as an owl at midnight. December was now hurrying away. The winter weeks followed one another rapidly, and at last Charlie heard Mr.

Hannah, you send that ere gaping and staring nigger right away directly; this aint no place, no longer, for no men-folks to be in, even s'posin they is nothin' but nigger cre-turs.". Hannah raised her eyes to the speaker. A look of intelligence passed between the two women.

To steal two white girls out of a big Injun village aint a easy job at no time; but with the snow on the ground it comes as nigh to an impossibility as anything can do." For another hour or two they talked over the route they should take and their best mode of proceeding. Duncan Cameron sat and listened with an intent face to every word.

As she sat placidly knitting, an interruption came in the shape of a knock at the front door. "I'll go myself," she said, rising, and laying down the stocking. "Hannah's out in the back room, and won't hear. I hope it aint Mrs. Smith, come to borrow some butter. She aint returned that last half-pound she borrowed. She seems to think her neighbors have got to support her."

Brown is always doing things without consulting me," she explained to Bradley, "but you are welcome, sir, if our lonesome house aint worse than your cellar. Mr. Brown very seldom takes the trouble to explain what he wants to do, but I'll try to make you feel at home, sir." They ate the rest of the meal in silence.

"The love-star's allus up early o' nights to give the men an' maids a chance!" "Yes, Venus is the evening star just now," rejoined Helmsley, half-absently. "Stow Venus! That's a reg'lar fool's name," said Peke surlily. "Where did ye git it from? That aint no Venus, that's just the love-star, an' it'll be nowt else in these parts till the world-without-end-amen!" Helmsley made no answer.