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"Monsieur le baron! pray do not laugh at me, I entreat you." "Monsieur Pirodot," said the financier, with a serious air, "it is deen agreet; you vill invite us to your nex pall? My vife is shalous; she vish to see your abbartement, of vich she hear so mooch." "Monsieur le baron! "Oh! if you reffuse me, no creydit! Yes, I know der Prayfic of die Seine was at your las pall." "Monsieur le baron!

We're aboot to draw the seine-net, ye see, an' Tonald Pane said it would be a peety, says he, to begin when ye wur awa', an' Muster Lumley agreet wi' um, an' sent me oot to seek for 'ee that's a'." "Come along then, Dougall, we won't keep them waiting." Nodding adieu to Waboose, I hurried away towards Fort Wichikagan, followed by the sturdy Highlander.

The baron was already on the staircase, and Birotteau caught him at the bottom just as he was about to enter the counting-room. As Nucingen opened the door he saw the despairing gesture of the poor creature behind him, who felt himself pushed into a gulf, and said hastily, "Vell, it is all agreet. See tu Tillet, and arranche it mit him."

Newmark broke in quickly before Orde could speak. "I've told Mr. Heinzman," said he, "that we would sort and deliver the rest of his logs for two dollars a thousand." "That will be about it," agreed Orde. "But," exploded Heinzman, "that is as much as you agreet to drive and deliffer my whole cut!" "Precisely," said Newmark. "Put I haf all the eggspence of driving the logs myself.

"Proctor and I haf talked it ofer, and ve are agreet that the probosition is a good one. Also ve think it is vell to help the young fellers along." He laughed silently in such a manner as to shake himself all over. "Ve do not vish to be too severe, and yet ve must be assured that ve get our logs on time. Now, I unterstood you to say that this new concern is a stock company."

"It's a thing that's opposed to the spirit of the institutions, as you can see by my feelin's at this very moment. But no matter! I'll keep the watch, if you say so, and show you the way into that part of the country, as your pay." "Agreet, shentlemans. Vat I vants is atfice, and vat you vants is a vatch."