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Entretanto, México había realizado su independencia, y siguiendo la propensión que en su adolescencia acompaña a los pueblos como a los individuos, de llamar la atención ajena y de crearse relaciones que prometen grandes bienes, trataba de hacerse representar dignamente en el exterior, y por medio de sus agentes invitó a Gorostiza a asumir la ciudadanía mexicana y a encargarse de importantes comisiones diplomáticas.

Justinian thereupon authorized Tribonian, then quaestor, vir magnificus magisteria dignitate inter agentes decoratus, "for great titles were now given to the officers of the crown," to prepare, with the assistance of sixteen associates, a collection of extracts from the writings of the most eminent jurists, so as to form a body of law for the government of the empire, with power to select and omit and alter; and this immense work was done in three years, and published under the title of Digest, or Pandects.

Justinian authorized Tribonian, then quaestor, "vir magnificus magisteria dignitate inter agentes decoratus," for great titles were now given to the officers of the crown, to prepare, with the assistance of seventeen associates, a collection of extracts from the writings of the most eminent jurists, so as to form a body of law for the government of the empire, with power to select and omit and alter; and this immense work was done in three years, and published under the title of Digest or Pandects.