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"No, I swear to you I don't," said Muffat, dreading a scene. "And you believe she's really a stick?" He bowed his head in the affirmative. "And that's why you love me? Answer me! I shan't be angry." He repeated the same movement. "Very well then," she concluded. "I suspected as much! Oh, the poor pet. Do you know my aunt Lerat?

The faith of South Carolina is strengthened by opposition, and she now not only sees, but resolves, that the tariff is palpably unconstitutional, oppressive, and dangerous; but Pennsylvania, not to be behind her neighbors, and equally willing to strengthen her own faith by a confident asseveration, resolves also, and gives to every warm affirmative of South Carolina, a plain, downright, Pennsylvania negative.

My training has taught me to get inside; and, if there isn't a gate, or an opening of any sort, why, then I tear down the barrier, just as I am doing now. Do you love that man?" "I will not answer the question." He laughed, shortly. "From any other woman than you, such an answer as that would be tantamount to an affirmative; but you are a puzzle, Patricia. You are not like anybody else.

I fear we often get incorrect intelligence from these people, through their anxiety to answer all our questions in the affirmative, they not understanding that we put the questions to them simply to gain information. All men are indeed equal here, as saith the Governor. There seems to be no ruling authority, and every one does what is right in his own eyes.

And after this has been answered in the affirmative, the further questions come up, Is the application of these, first, to phenomena, and second, to things in themselves, possible and legitimate, and how far? Sensibility gives the manifold to be connected, the understanding the connecting unity.

Upon the same afternoon for there is no rule for the mere incidents of life Ferguson loped his pony through the shade of the cottonwood. He was going to visit the cabin in Bear Flat. Would she be at home? Would she be glad to see him? He could not bring his mind to give him an affirmative answer to either of these questions.

Dreading lest his client's angry heat should precipitate him on the prince again, to the confusion of a lady's ears, Mr. Camminy gave an emphatic and short affirmative. 'You know what he is like? said Mr. Adister, with a face of disgust reflected from the bare thought of the hideous likeness. Mr. Camminy assured him that the description of the prince's lineaments would not be new.

The man gave an affirmative grunt, and strove to speak, but Burr cut him short. "Look out for that bad place in the road, before you get to the bridge," he said, and went on out of the yard. The road was suddenly full of departing wedding-guests, fluttering along with shrill clatter of persistently individual notes, like a flock of birds.

She asked me if the lady was my wife, and on my replying in the affirmative she called Pauline her "dear mamma," which made "dear mamma" laugh merrily. When the dessert was served I drew four fifty-pound notes out of my pocket-book, and giving them to Sophie told her that she might hand them over to her mother if she liked, but that the present was for her and not for her mother.

I don't believe women hear ye, when you talk sense of that kind. 'Look, says I, 'at a violet. 'Look, says she, 'at a rose. Well, what can ye say after that? She swears the rose looks best. You swear the violet costs least. Then there you have a battle between what it costs and how it looks." Robert pronounced a conventional affirmative, when called on for it by a look from Anthony.