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Ledger yacht, whose sailing list included a carefully selected and undeniably congenial party of guests, worked wonders in the matter of St. Ledger's social aspirations. At the clubs, substantial and easily forgotten loans to members of the embarrassed elect, coupled with vague hints, rarely failed to pay dividends in the form of invitations to ultra-exclusive affaires. At the hostelry the St.

I was not present at their interview, but at table my mother told my father that this Prince Zasyekin struck her as a femme tres vulgaire, that she had quite worn her out begging her to interest Prince Sergei in their behalf, that she seemed to have no end of lawsuits and affairs on hand de vilaines affaires d'argent and must be a very troublesome and litigious person.

"If I am not mistaken, your occupations are such as to make your time precious. You are in a as we say, dans les affaires." "In business, you mean? Oh no, I have thrown business overboard for the present. I am 'loafing, as WE say. My time is quite my own." "Ah, you are taking a holiday," rejoined M. de Bellegarde. "'Loafing. Yes, I have heard that expression." "Mr.

* Garat observes, it was a maxim of Danton, "Que ceux qui fesaient les affaires de la republique devaient aussi faireles leurs," that who undertook the care of the republic should also take care of themselves. This tenet, however, seems common to the friends of both. Paris, June 6, 1795.

M. Chenier was Charge des Affaires from the King of France to the Emperor of Morocco. The two first volumes are historical; in the third volume there is much valuable information on the physical, moral, intellectual, commercial, and political state of this kingdom. Histoire du Naufrage, et de la Captivité de M. de Brisson. Paris, 1789. 8vo.

He has been traveling ever since, and where-ever he went he flirted; we gather so much from his accomplishment in the art; fluent, not to say voluble at times, but no egotist, for he never tells you anything about himself, nor even about his family, still less about the numerous affaires de coeur in which he has been engaged. Perhaps he is reserving it all for the third volume."

This point being thus concluded and resolued on, I went myselfe vnto the English Generall, accompanied with my Lieutenant, and Captaine Vasseur, Captaine Verdier, and Trenchant the Pilot, and my Sergeant, all men of experience in such affaires, and knowing sufficiently how to driue such a bargaine.

No. 21. Le Chargé d'affaires en Serbie an Ministre des Affaires Etrangères. Belgrade, le 12/25 Juillet 1914.

Although the business of granting passports and permis de sejour generally is confided to the consul, the charge des affaires unquestionably possesses full authority to grant protection in either of those forms to any person to whom it may be improperly denied by the consul. Paris, November 1, 1810. On receipt of Mr. Russell's note, Mr.

To the right the skeleton of the Tuileries reared its gaunt shell, the framework of the lofty wing next the Seine still standing; but the whole of the roof of the central building was gone, and daylight visible through all the windows right into the Place de Carrousel. General Mac-Mahon's head-quarters were at the Affaires Etrangères, which were intact.