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"It is a long sto-ry," replied Tik-Tok, "but I'll tell it in a few words. Af-ter you had gone in search of your broth-er, Oz-ma saw you wan-der-ing in strange lands when-ev-er she looked in her mag-ic pic-ture, and she also saw your broth-er in the Nome King's cavern; so she sent me to tell you where to find your broth-er and told me to help you if I could.

"Af-ter-ward the King of Ev re-gret-ted his wick-ed ac-tion, and tried to get his wife and chil-dren a-way from the Nome King, but with-out a-vail. So, in de-spair, he locked me up in this rock, threw the key in-to the o-cean, and then jumped in af-ter it and was drowned." "How very dreadful!" exclaimed Dorothy. "It is, in-deed," said the machine.

Lord love ye! it's a great thing to fetch the passon at once when there's anything a bit wrong. So, if you'd step up, sir? Driven almost to despair, Walden put his lips close to the old man's obstinate ear. "Yes," he bellowed "af-ter lun-cheon! Yes! Ye-es!" His reply at last penetrated the closed auricular doors of Spruce's brain.

On the door step of the Gwynnes' house, arrested on the threshold by the robin's song, stood the Gwynne boy of ten years, his eager face uplifted, himself poised like a bird for flight. "Law-r-ence," clear as a bird call came the voice from within. "Mo-th-er," rang the boy's voice in reply, high, joyous and shrill. "Ear-ly! Remember!" "Ri-ght a-way af-ter school.

"When I found my-self im-pris-oned I shout-ed for help un-til my voice ran down; and then I walked back and forth in this lit-tle room un-til my ac-tion ran down; and then I stood still and thought un-til my thoughts ran down. Af-ter that I re-mem-ber noth-ing un-til you wound me up a-gain."

Af-ter an instant's pause, she said: "I don't think it's fair, Ken, for you to quiz me like that. And, anyway, I can't tell. In some ways, I like you a heap better than Phil Van Reypen, and then in other ways " "You like him a heap better than me!" Kenneth's tone was accusing, and Patty resented it. "Yes, I do!" she said, honestly.

But when he got to the moon Mis-ter Tin-ker found it such a love-ly place that he de-cid-ed to live there, so he pulled up the lad-der af-ter him and we have nev-er seen him since." "He must have been a great loss to this country," said Dorothy, who was by this time eating her custard pie. "He was," acknowledged Tiktok. "Also he is a great loss to me.

He drew closer and spoke in a more emphatic key. "Look here, Spruce! Tell your wife I'll come after luncheon. Do you hear? Af-ter lun-cheon!" Spruce put one hand to his ear and smiled blandly. "Ezackly, sir!