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"Let alone the police, Pat," interrupted his friend, "but let's have your adwice about what should be done." After a moment's consideration, the small boy advised that Mrs Mooney's hut should be watched. "In course," he said, "Dick Martin ain't such a fool as to go an' steal doorin' the daytime, so we don't need to begin till near dark.

And when, in the words o' the old song, the shades of evenin' is closin' o'er us, we'll surround the house of Eve, and `wait till the brute rolls by!" "You're far too poetical, Pat, for a practical man, said his friend. Howsomediver, I think, on the whole, your adwice is not bad, so well try it on. But wot are we to do till the shades of evenin' comes on?"

"What would you do?" "Do? Why, I'd pile them 'ere benches up agin that 'ere door, an' crawl out of that 'erc winder in no time. That's my adwice." "And werry good adwice it is, Jim," said the occupant of No. 5, approvingly.

"You say that the men were teasing and baiting the two black hands, and you advised them not to?" "Well, your honour, it was hardly adwice, because I said I'd shove my fist in someone's eye if he didn't let the poor beggars bide." Mr Staples uttered a curious sound, and the captain coughed. "Ah, well, you tried to make them stop their cowardly, unmanly tricks." "That's it, your honour."

Copperfull, and my adwice to you is, to cheer up, sir, to keep a good heart, and to know your own walue. If you was to take to something, sir, said Mrs. Crupp, 'if you was to take to skittles, now, which is healthy, you might find it divert your mind, and do you good. With these words, Mrs.

W'y that, havin' wisely given up yer idols, an' taken to the true God, the next best thing you can do is to go off at once to Raratonga, an' git the best adwice you can from those wot are trained for to give it. I can't say no fairer than that, for, as to askin' adwice on religious matters from the likes o' me, w'y the thing's parfitly ridiklous!" Jarwin sat down amid a murmur of applause.

Wery good little dinner, sir, they can get ready in half an hour pair of fowls, sir, and a weal cutlet; French beans, 'taturs, tart, and tidiness. You'd better stop vere you are, sir, if I might recommend. Take adwice, sir, as the doctor said. The host of the Saracen's Head opportunely appeared at this moment, to confirm Mr.

"Arter all, I wish I hadn't spoke quite so rough to him; the chap's got his head screwed on the right way; he knows a mortal sight of things as I don't understand, and I'd ha' been glad to ha' had his help and adwice like in many a little job, as I'm afeared we'll make a bit of a bungle of without him." "That is all right," said Ralli. "You shall be able to talk him over, Dickinson.

The family name depends wery much upon you, Samivel, and I hope you'll do wot's right by it. Upon all little pints o' breedin', I know I may trust you as vell as if it was my own self. So I've only this here one little bit of adwice to give you.

"Now, Toast," he said, "you are about to contend in battle for the first time; and I diwine, from experience, that the ewent gives you some sentiments that are werry original. My adwice to you is, to shut both eyes until the word is given to fire, and then to open them suddenly, as if just awaking from sleep; after which you may present and pull the trigger.