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You like that he'oic measuh, Mizzez Witchlin'?" As he rose to go he rolled a cigarette, and folded the end in with the long nail of his little finger. "Mizzez Witchlin', if you will allow me to light my ciga'ette fum yo' lamp I can't use my sun-glass at night, because the sun is nod theh. But, the sun shining, I use it. I 'ave adop' that method since lately."

We concealed a heavy sigh as a reminiscent look came into his shrewd, wan eyes, and he began: "Doubtless you ladies do not know that as long ago as1888"-I believe that was the date-"my organization sent a petition to the United States Congress praying for the adop- tion of this very amendment and we have stood for it ever since . . . ."

Every one sat beaming, and fragrant veils of smoke soon draped the room. "Why do you call her 'Miss Sherwood'?" Boswell whispered in Keating's ear. "That's her name." "Ain't she the daughter of that old fellow over there by the window? Ain't her name Fisbee?" "No; she's his daughter, but her legal name's Sherwood; she's an adop " "Great Scott! I know all about that.

But Jarvis was jealous o' Chips an' went round the starboard side to envy at him. "'Tain't enough, 'e says, when he had climbed back. 'Chips 'as got his bazaar lookin' like a coal-hulk in a cyclone. We must adop' more drastic measures. Off 'e goes to Number One and communicates with 'im.

"Oh, I always could think up imitations of animals; things like that but I hardly would care to to adop' the stage for a career. Would you?" Miss Pratt became intensely serious. "It's my DREAM!" she said. William, seated upon a stool at her feet, gazed up at the amber head, divinely splashed by the rain of moonlight. The fire with which she spoke stirred him as few things had ever stirred him.