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She jumped too, and, arter the conductor had 'elped 'er up off of 'er knees and taken her arms away from his waist, I'm blest if he didn't turn on me and ask me why I 'adn't left her at 'ome. We got to the wharf just afore six. The John Henry 'ad gorn, but the skipper 'ad done all the 'arm he could afore he sailed, and, if I 'adn't kept my temper, I should ha' murdered arf a dozen of 'em.

"I'm going to tell the skipper." "Tell 'im," says Jimmy. "I don't care." "Then you'll be searched arter you've stepped ashore," says Bill, "and you won't be allowed on the ship ag'in. You'll lose it all by being greedy, whereas if you go shares with us you'll 'ave two 'undered pounds." I could see as 'ow the boy 'adn't thought o' that, and try as 'e would 'e couldn't 'ide 'is feelin's.

"Wotcher say, guv'nor?" asked the cabman. "I say did you see a gentleman approaching from the corner?" asked Dunbar. "Yus," declared the man; "I see 'im, but 'e 'adn't got as far as the Johnny 'Orner. As I passed outside old Tom Brian, wot's changin' 'is gear, I see a bloke blowin' along on the pavement a bloke in a high 'at, an' wearin' a heye-glass."

They all 'ad breakfast in a coffee-shop next morning, and arter it was over Ginger, who 'adn't spoke a word till then, said that 'e and Peter Russet wanted a little money to go on with. He said they preferred to get their meals alone, as Isaac's face took their appetite away. "Very good," ses the old man.

She was took away," replied Josey, his smile darkening into a shadow of weariness; "The Squire's neck was broke with Firefly every man, woman and child knows that about here an' then 'is brother came along, 'im wot 'ad married a 'Merican wife wi' millions, an' 'adn't got no children of their own.

By this time the violence of the storm had in a great measure abated, but as rain was still falling it was decided not to attempt to resume work that day. Besides, it would have been too late, even if the weather had cleared up. 'P'raps it's just as well it 'as rained, remarked one man. 'If it 'adn't some of us might 'ave got the sack tonight.

He shook his 'ead and smiled agin, and, arter opening the wicket a trifle and telling the cabman he shouldn't be long, he turned to me and asked me for the sixpence, to wear on his watch-chain. "Sixpence!" I ses. "SIXPENCE!" Wot do you think is going to 'appen to me when I go 'ome?" "Oh, I 'adn't thought o' that," he ses. "Yes, o' course." "Wot about my wife's jealousy?" I ses.

I called 'im "Dear Bill," and I said 'ow sorry I was that I 'adn't had even a sight of 'im lately, having been laid up with a sprained ankle and 'ad only just got about agin. I asked 'im to meet me at Cleopatra's Needle at eight o'clock, and said that I should wear the blue 'at with red roses. It was a very good letter, but I can see now that I done wrong in writing it.

"I 'ope for your sakes it won't be the same police-man that you and Ginger Dick set on in Gun Alley the night afore you shipped on the Planet," ses Isaac, pursing up 'is lips. "'Tain't likely to be," ses Peter, beginning to wish 'e 'adn't been so free with 'is tongue. "Still, if I tell 'im, I dessay he'll soon find 'im," ses Isaac; "there's one coming along now, Peter; shall I stop 'im?"

"Landlord?" ses Bill, puffing and blowing in the basin. "Wot landlord?" "Why, the one you bashed," ses Ginger, with a wink at the other two. "He 'adn't got 'is senses back when me and Sam came away."