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"Sir," she said, even as her hand reached up to the door knocker; "I admit you have acted as a gentleman should. I do not know what your message may be, but I doubt not it is meant for me. Since you have this much claim on my hospitality, even at this hour, I think I must ask you to step within. There may be some answer needed." "Madam," said I, "there is an answer needed.

A man does what is his duty, what his fellow-citizens expect of him; but that is not to say that he renders himself callous to natural emotion. My veins were swollen, the blood coursing through them like a high-flowing river; my tongue was parched and dry. I am not ashamed to admit that from head to foot my body quivered and trembled. I was afraid but I went forward; no man can do more.

As Carlyle wrote, "The friendliest voice must speak from without; and a man's ultimate monition comes only from within." We need not only a shrugging "tolerance," but a willingness to admit that those who differ from us may after all be in the right of it.

Yet the efforts of all these distinguished men resulted in leading the nation straight into the most astounding catastrophe in human annals. Whatever view we take of the Revolution, whether we regard it as a blessing or as a curse, we must needs admit it was a reaction of the most violent kind a reaction contrary to the preceding action.

Once admit the Union, once more acknowledge the authority of the national Government, and, instead of devoting your houses and streets and roads to the dread uses of war, I and this army become at once your protectors and supporters, shielding you from danger, let it come from what quarter it may.

Why do you not think of pleasant things?" "For the same reason that a man with a raging toothache does not have pleasant sensations," he answered, with a grim smile. "I admit the force of your reply, though I do not think the case exactly parallel. The mind is not as helpless as the body.

"It will hold up the development of our shipping trade for years." The Neue Freie Presse of Vienna on Sept. 11 admitted that the activity of the exporters in Germany had been crippled. Austria-Hungary, which is not an advanced industrial country, will not suffer quite so keenly, though even here the German newspapers admit that trade has come almost to a standstill.

At least to beg for a lock of the hair." "I'm not so sure I want to remember you." "I hope you don't. It's the things you don't want to remember that you never can get out of your head." "Good-by," he said again. "Haven't you one nice thing to say to me before you go?" "Not one." "Wouldn't you at least admit that I had enlarged your point of view?"

"Well, you will admit that the interpretation of this sacred scheme of colour is not altogether easy.

It is true that the circumstances did not admit of any striking illustration of those powers for which my friend was famous, but there were some points about the case which made it stand out in those long records of crime from which I gather the material for these little narratives.