United States or Jamaica ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

At length they reached a city by the sea, which was called Baruth; then they went on to Sarepta, once inhabited by the Sidonians, and made famous by Elijah's feeding of the widow; from there they went to Sur, and then to Acre, once the capital of Palestine.

And I do assure you now, though you may not believe me, it was harder work to keep John Fry, Bill Dadds, and Jem Slocomb all in a line and all moving nimbly to the tune of my own tool, than it was to set out in the morning alone, and hoe half an acre by dinner-time.

The infection is said to have been caught by a box of clothes, brought by the carrier, and lodged at the White-hart. Depopulation ensued. The church-yard was insufficient for the reception of the dead, who were conveyed to Ladywood-green, one acre of waste land, then denominated the Pelt Ground.

Moreover, immediate consideration should be given to two other issues of prime importance, namely the purchase of land, which need not exceed for the present one acre, in anticipation of the construction of the first Mashriqu’l-Adhkár of South Africa, and the prompt translation of a suitable Bahá’í pamphlet into the American and European languages allocated to your assembly, and its publication and wide dissemination among the peoples and tribes for whom it has been primarily designed.

The course was a fairly smooth one over an acre or so of pasture, through a strip of oak woods, and up a stiff slope. It was not until he reached the top of this that he paused. He looked around and saw her about halfway up the hill, climbing heavily, her eyes upon the ground. Even as he watched her, he saw her sway, catch herself, and push on again without even looking up.

"Nay, Sir Sedley, that is, my dear lord, I will take my chance, and look in after dinner." "I do so; my guests are not lively! What a firm step the rogue has! Only twenty, I think, twenty! and not an acre of property to plague him!" So saying, the marquis dolorously shook his head and vanished through the noiseless mahogany doors behind which Messrs.

Envyings and jealousy among the besiegers. King of Jerusalem. A common danger makes a common cause. The terrible loss of life in the siege of Acre. The unwieldy armor of the knights. King Richard received by the besieging army. Berengaria a bride. Philip's conciliation.

He shipped 450 half-barrel baskets of lettuce to the acre, at a price ranging from $2 to $2.75 per basket. "Early in April, just before the lettuce was ready to ship, he planted snap beans between the lettuce rows; and today, June 2d, these are the finest beans we have seen this season.

This Marle was spread on the rods in these proportions to try first whether what we have denominated to be Marie possesses any virtue as manure and secondly if it does, the quantity proper for an acre." His ultimate conclusion was that marl was of little benefit to land such as he owned at Mount Vernon.

"Richardson & Bowdler," he said, tapping the paper with one bejewelled, dirty finger, "Acre Building, Cheapside. No objection, I presoom, to my calling on these gentlemen and ascertaining if this document is genuine?" "Sir," said the count, stiffly, "the whole matter is open to your investigation. You will take any course which seems to you to be justified by your own interests."