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Why, the mill the mill as takes up so little room that it'll work inside a Stone Jug; and always goes better when the wind's low with people, than when it's high; acos then they can't get workmen. But come, said the young gentleman; 'you want grub, and you shall have it. I'm at low-water-mark myself only one bob and a magpie; but, as far as it goes, I'll fork out and stump.

The wind wailed in the chimney like an evil spirit in torment; with fearful strength, it shook the whole house on its stone foundation. "It strikes me the wind is stirred up, acos we're enjoying of ourselves," said the pilot cousin. "No, it's the sea that's wrathy," corrected Yann, smiling at Gaud, "because I'd promised I'd be wedded to her."

"'Acos you was the strongest," answered Tommy, "an' I reckoned you would get things from coves we met!" "Well, I'm not going to get things from coves we meet, except they give them to me. But have patience, Tommy, and I'll get you all you can eat. You must give me time, you know! I 'ain't got work yet! Come here. Lie down close to me, and we'll go to sleep."

"Once upon a time there was a giant and a little girl, and he told a little girl not to kiss a bear acos he would bite her, and the little girl climbed right on his back and she jumped right down the stairs and the bear came walking after the little girl and kissing her, and she called it a little bear and it was a big bear!