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But Mrs Jo grew so pale he had to put his arms about her, and his father turned and walked away, exclaiming: 'Ach Himmel! in a tone of such mingled pain, relief, and gratitude, that Ted pulled an extra pillow over his head to smother the sound.

'He approved with his head, a little sadly as it seemed. "Ja! ja! In general, adapting the words of your great poet: That is the question. . . ." He went on nodding sympathetically. . . . "How to be! Ach! How to be." 'He stood up with the tips of his fingers resting on the desk. "We want in so many different ways to be," he began again.

"Attend to me, Frau Bauer!" he said imperiously. "This matter is perhaps more important than even you know, especially at such a time as this." "Ach, yes!" she said. "I have often said that to myself. Willi's friend may be interned by now in one of those horrible camps it is indeed a difficult question!"

"Yes; come along, my dear old warhorse," I murmured, turning my face toward the wall. "There is a nice little surprise party in here waiting for you." The door opened. "Unlocked!" bawled the Count. "What does this mean, Baron?" "He gave his word as a gentleman," was the quiet reply. "Gentleman? Ach!

Who who mine Gott! who iss her life in dtanger? Iss dot mine Gott! is dot he-ere?" He pointed to Mrs. Fontenette's front window. I could hardly keep my fist off him. "Hush! you For one place it's here." I pushed him with my finger. "Ach!" he exclaimed in infinite relief. "I dt'ought you mean I I dt'ought hmm! hmm! I am dtired." He leaned on me like a sick child and we went into the cottage parlor.

'You may do what you like, Mr Prothero, for then I will have nothing to say to her. But go at once, and thank you very much. 'I'll go Swansea way, for I am sure they'll take to the sea. Ach a fi! what's gone to the young people. In less than a quarter of a hour Mr Prothero had mounted his best mare, and muttering a great many Welsh oaths, was soon riding in search of the fugitives.

"Ach!" was the merry answer. "That is your inventory! I am quite indolent to him!" At that moment the Spanish gentleman came out of the Kurhaus flower- shop, with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. "Mademoiselle," he said, handing them to Fräulein Müller, and at the same time putting his hand to his heart. He had not noticed Bernardine at first, and when he saw her, he became somewhat confused.

Why, they got me to bless them in the Transvaal last Yom Kippur. So you see I'm anything but a sinner in Israel." He laughed but his laugh ended abruptly. Reb Shemuel's face had grown white. His hands were trembling. "What is the matter? You are ill," cried David. The old man shook his head. Then he struck his brow with his fist. "Ach, Gott!" he cried. "Why did I not think of finding out before?

Hochenheimer some more of that red cabbage." "No, no please, Mrs. Shongut; I got plenty." "Ach, Mr. Hochenheimer, you eat so little you must be in love." "Mamma!" "Ach, Mr. Hochenheimer knows that I only fool. Renie, pass the dumplings." "No, no please! "Mamma, don't force. You're not bashful, are you, Mr. Hochenheimer?"

They cheered her, for they saw before them a young heroine, victorious, beloved, ideal. But when Myra called at Hester Street, a week later, Rhona's mother had something else to say. "Rhona? Well, you had ought to seen her when we first landed! Ah! she was a beauty, my Rhona such cheeks, such hair, such eyes laughing all the time. But now ach!" She sighed dreadfully. "So it goes.