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She was gazing at him and her breast was panting. The light fell full on her face. "Ach mein Gott!" he cried, "It is Kaya!" "Yes, it is I," said Kaya. She put up both hands, lifting the helmet from her head, and the red-blonde hair fell back from her short, gold curls. The spear dropped with a clang to the stage and lay extended between them, glittering.

I think we should be going it is very late your father so very kind of you, but I think we should be going. Scruff!" Miss Naylor gave the floor two taps. The terrier backed into a plaster cast which came down on his tail, and sent him flying through the doorway. Greta followed swiftly, crying: "Ach! poor Scrufee!"

Haas's big fine auto. Where you can go and rest, mamma, and read the newspapers. Come." "My back ach my back!" "Yes, yes, mamma; we'll fix it. Up! So la!" They raised her by the crook of each arm, gently. "So! Please, Mr. Haas, the pillows. Shawl. There!"

They'll have to be cut off'n him, and he needs to go in the bath-tub before he can be laid anywheres. Let's put him in the bath-room, and do you go an' call Morton. She got him in here and she'll have to bathe him. And bring me a pair of scissors. I'll mebbe have to cut the cloes off'n him, they're so filthy. Ach! The little beast!"

At last he extended a fore-finger and thumb and rubbed a five pound note between them, as though to convince himself of its reality, after which he began to gyrate round the table in a sort of war dance, never taking his eyes from the heap of influence in front of him. "Mein Gott!" he exclaimed, "Gnadiger Vater! Ach Himmel! Was fur eine Schatze!

"Ach, du little Aileen. Come, Aileen, to grandma. Mrs. Fischlowitz, this is Felix's little girl. You remember Felix such a beautiful bad little boy he was what always used to fight your Sollie underneath the sink." "Gott in Himmel, so this is Felix's little girl!" "Ja, this is already his second. Come, Aileen, to grandma and say good afternoon to the lady."

The woman stood a step outside the door, a baby in her arms, another toddler holding fast to her skirt. A thick-bodied, short, square-shouldered man was this newcomer, with a round, pleasant face. "Hello, neighbor!" Bill greeted. The plowman lifted his old felt hat courteously. His face lit up. "Ach!" said he. "Neighbor. Dot iss a goot vord in diss country vere dere iss no neighbor.

'You'll soon get tired looking at it, Hans, he said. "Ach, I remember that afternoon as though it were only day before yesterday. We were sitting smoking and talking after dinner when Karl said: 'Hans, I've made up my mind that it is time things begun to move a bit in connection with the movement I mean. We must unite, Hans. All the workers ought to unite can unite must unite!

I noticed that her eyes were fixed in some perplexity on the old clock above the pie shelves. "Ach! But it has never been so far ahead of time as to-night. It is not due for fifteen minutes yet, and here it is gone yet." "Perhaps your clock is slow," I said. "My watch says four minutes to twelve."

On hinges so when I was done, up against the wall out of the way I could fold it." "'Just think, I say to my children, 'we eat noodles off a board what Simon Meyerburg built with his own hands. On the whole East Side it's a curiosity." "Sometimes when I come down by your flat, Mrs. Fischlowitz, I show you how I used to make them for him. Wide ones he liked." "Ach, Mrs.