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If you speak of an acanthopterygian, it is plain that you are not discussing perch in reference to its roasting or boiling merits; and if you make an allusion to monomyarian malacology, it will not naturally be supposed to have reference to the cooking of oyster sauce. Like many other meritorious things, however, Greek nomenclature is much abused.

I emptied the goblet at a gulp. The company began to seem charming. "Well, Captain Morhange," Le Mesge called out to my comrade who had taken a mouthful of fish, "what do you say to this acanthopterygian? It was caught to-day in the lake in the oasis. Do you begin to admit the hypothesis of the Saharan sea?" "The fish is an argument," my companion replied. Suddenly he became silent.

Ay, there must be something strangely entrancing in dragging the shoal waters with a hand-line, for unsuspicious, easily duped members of the acanthopterygian tribe of fishes, under which alarming denomination come, I believe, nearly all the finny fellows to be met with on these sand-banks, from the bluefish to the burgall.

PATTERSON'S Zoology, Pt. ii. p. 211; YARRELL'S History of British Fishes, vol. i. List of Ceylon Fishes. In the following list, the Acanthopterygian fishes of Ceylon has been prepared for me by Dr. GÜNTHER, and will be found the most complete which has appeared of this order.